Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 39
I know, it has been a few weeks since you have seen anything from Fashion Fits Everyone. Blogging took a back burner for a little bit in all aspects. But now I am back. And Fashion Fits Everyone is back on a new day - you can find Fashion Fits Everyone on Thursdays starting next week. I thought I would re-introduce the series for all the new Deidre Emme readers.

I started my blog as a way to document my life, my marriage, and my fashion... and while I was blogging fashion I started to notice a trend... Every day I would check out my favorite fashion bloggers and pinterest for ideas on outfits. And slowly I became uncomfortable with my body type and I became unimpressed with my closet. I would never be a size 2 like all the famous fashion bloggers and I would never own the beautiful and brand new clothes that they always had. Then one day it hit me... I can fix this. I will never be a size 2 and I will never have a million dollar closet, but that is okay. Because fashion isn't defined by size and style... it is defined by the women who wear it. It is defined by ME! And if I am confident in my body and I am confident in my clothing then I am fashionable. And then I was thinking... I am sure I am not the only woman to ever feel this. Stories need to be shared. People need to remember they aren't defined by the one percent. The rest of us make a much larger group. And then Fashion Fits Everyone was born. It was turned into a full series on my blog where I blog, along with other women who volunteer their thoughts, about fashion, style, body types, confidence, and so on. And it is something that makes me feel independent and strong.
Women need to feel confident. Women need to feel beautiful. And I have been guilty of not feeling both of these things. In fact, I talked a lot about a specific incident in my very first fashion fits everyone post. But what I have learned, is that I cannot let those two things define me. I cannot say "today I have crazy hair" or "today I am not ready to meet people". Because the day will come and go no matter how I feel. What I can do is embrace the flaws and the perfections - because yes we both have both - that I have and I can go out. I can be confident and I can feel beautiful. No one is really looking at what I wear or how I dress. They are looking at how I treat the people around me. When I walk away from people I don't even want to give them a chance to talk about my hair or clothes, because that is what they go to when you aren't showing your personality. I want them to walk away and say, "Deidre was great to meet! Deidre has some good jokes. Deidre really took the time to listen and learn about me." Those are the things that make me beautiful. And those are the things that make me confident.
Last month I was able to meet the lovely Reachel from Cardigan Empire. She is a stylist and on her business card has a "style profile" so everyone she meets, she goes on to give them a profile. At first I was wondering, what is she going to tell me that I need to fix and make work for my coloring. But in fact, she took what I was wearing and gave me a style profile that matched how I dress every day. She defined my body shape - hour glass... I always wondered about that - and she told me I am a "winter" which means I look great in rich, jewel tone colors. And then she defined my style as romantic-trendy. I loved that profile because she was not telling me what I should be, she was helping me enhance what I already was. And it was a great reminder to me... that I can be confident in how I dress because it is me. And why the heck wouldn't I want to be ME!?
So that is why I think fashion fits everyone. Because we all make our own fashion. We all develop our own style. And it doesn't matter if you are a size 0 or a size 20. You make it work with what you have. And at the end of the day, if you are really unhappy with how you look, you are the only one that can change it. So don't be hard on yourself, work hard on yourself. Take those baby steps everyday to get to where you want to be, but enjoy the journey. Because you are still you. You still have to wake up in the morning. You still have to look in the mirror. You still have to get dresses and go out. Don't tear yourself down. Because you are stunning. You are beautiful. And why the heck would you want to be anyone else?
Basically this post is a lot of scattered thoughts. At the end of the day, I want you to know that you are perfect. I want you to know that people enjoy being around you. And I want you to know that no matter what size you are, no matter what color you hair is, or what you wear that you are you and fashion fits you because you fashion comes from your heart. Not your clothing.
Interested in being a part of Fashion Fits Everyone? Email with the subject Fashion Fits Everyone and we will get you scheduled.