Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 40

"I love everything about fashion. Some fashion is artistic and amazing while other types of fashion are down to earth. Fashion blogs hold a special place in my heart. It is fun to read about other women and their journey through fashion. I particularly enjoy the creative pairings of different pieces. Fashion is a personal, creative expression that makes a person feel beautiful and confident.
I have going through different phases in fashion from young mother to business owner and to my current mature self. Fashion is much more fun ad adventurous for me today than when I was younger.
Today I love to shop and try new pieces. I finally learned to look for the best cuts and colors for my body type. These lessons were learned from experimentation and trying on many styles of clothing. Lately I’ve been obsessed with a great pair of jeans (rolled up boyfriend style) I splurged on, glitzy t-shirts, and Sperry Top-Siders (my favorite pair of shoes at the moment). I throw on a cardigan, lots of jewelry, add a big statement purse and I’m ready for errands, field trips, and grocery shopping.
I think every woman needs to find a great fitting dress with the correct cut and length for their bodies; colors that flatter their skin tone; a great pair of jeans that fit the waist, bottom, and length; fantastic boots and flats; and accessories always!
Fashion is a tool to go beyond just dressing for necessity. It offers the opportunity to express oneself with color, shape, texture, and layers. Fashion builds self-esteem and confidence because when you feel beautiful you are beautiful."
-Tammi from Maison des Jeunes and House of Young
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