Life Hacks
I am a sucker for life hacks. Anything to make my day to day easier, to make things more enjoyable, or to help make my life a little less stressful, I will TAKE it. I have teamed up with Jane to bring you a few of my favorite life hacks - and you can catch more on Instagram by looking up the hashtag #JaneLifeHacks to see what other ladies love doing to make their life a little simpler. But let's just get started with my list of life hacks. I tried to seperate them into four categories, so if it doesn't completely make sense... bare with me! It is close enough.

- Out of oil blotters? Use a toilet seat cover from the public restroom.
- Turn a pencil eyeliner into a gel formula with the help of a match or lighter.

- Cover your eyelid with white liner to make any eyeshadow shade pop.
- Conceal dark circles and puffy eyes the right way by creating a triangle with your cover-up.
- Add saline solution to a dried out mascara to make it last.

- Hit your eyelash curler with a hair dryer to heat it up, so your lashes curl easier.
- Dust baby powder on your lashes in between mascara coats to plump up your lashes.
- Make your own lip plump by adding a drop of peppermint oil to your favorite gloss.
Lifestyle Hacks:
- Put colored tape or ribbon around your suitcase handle so you can spot it easily in a crowd of luggage.
- Clear out unwanted mail quickly by filtering your inbox with the world unsubscribe.

- Need your collar or shirt edges ironed in a hurry? Use a hair straightener.
- When you are looking for your car in a parking lot put the key fob to your chin or throat to increase it's range.
Home Hacks:
- Keep a magnetic white board on an outside freezer. Write what you put in it to remember what you have and erase it when you take it out.
- Rub baby oil or wax paper on faucets and handles to keep them from getting water spots.
- Grab a few dollar store baskets to keep your pantry organized.

- A shoe organizer is perfect to sort out anything from snacks to cleaning supplies.
- Break off the ends of a short clip hanger for a chip clip.
Food Hacks:
- Put a cupcake wrapper on the bottom of your Popsicle to catch the drips.
- Pull of the bottom half of your cupcake and put it on the top to make a cupcake sandwich with frosting in every bite.

- Put pancake mix in a ketchup bottle for cleaner cooking.
- Turn on your seat heater to keep pizzas warm from the store to your house.
- Put paper towels in with your vegetables to absorb moisture and make your veggies last longer.

- Stick a fork through the Oreo cream and dip into milk, hold it until all the air bubbles stop and you have a perfect milk Oreo with no messy fingers.
- When popping microwave popcorn crack the top open a little and shake out all the uncooked kernels.
- Another microwave popcorn trick. Once your bag is popped, lay the bag on it's side and cut off the top for an insta-bowl.
So there is my list of life hacks that I love for my makeup, home, life in general, and food. There are a lot more tips and tricks around my house so I will keep you posted on the ones that I am loving and learning. What are your hacks? I am always on the lookout for a trick to try. Send them my way! Tell me... How do you hack?