Weekday Wardrobe
This post was meant to go live on Friday... but you know what? Thursday I took a sick day and Friday was busy catching up. So you get two week day wardrobes at the bookends of this week. My brain is a little to fried right now to think of much more. So I am going to sip my highly acidic juice and just hit publish. Enjoy having a little less words from me today. Xoxo. Gossip Girl.

Monday | Top: White Plum | Undershirt: SexyModest | Skirt: LulaRoe | Heels: Macy’s
Tuesday | Top: Lucy&Lyla | Necklace: Eleventh Avenue | Leggings: Target | Heels: Famous Footwear
Wednesday | Top: Lucy&Lyla | Skirt: Downeast Basics | Heels: DSW
Thursday | Cardigan: Cotton On | Undershirt: SexyModest | Leggings: Target | Flats: Forever Young
Friday | Sweater: PinkBlush | Jeans: Gap | Flats: Forever Young

Monday | Top: White Plum | Undershirt: SexyModest | Skirt: LulaRoe | Heels: Macy’s
Tuesday | Top: Lucy&Lyla | Necklace: Eleventh Avenue | Leggings: Target | Heels: Famous Footwear
Wednesday | Top: Lucy&Lyla | Skirt: Downeast Basics | Heels: DSW
Thursday | Cardigan: Cotton On | Undershirt: SexyModest | Leggings: Target | Flats: Forever Young
Friday | Sweater: PinkBlush | Jeans: Gap | Flats: Forever Young