Weekday Wardrobe
Another week down and it is almost MAY! Can you believe it? You know what I think is so nuts about growing up? In elementary school, junior high, high school, and even college I was always busy with school, dance practice, homework, social life, so on and so forth. I always thought it would be nice to just have "down time" as a grown up, all finished with school. But now I am a grown up and I feel like I have more things on my plate than ever before. No school work or homework and I have just filled in my time with everything else random. And time seriously just flies now. And that is why I am sitting here thinking, oh my heck! It is almost May!? Does anyone else feel like that?

Monday | Top: Eleventh Avenue | Pants: Gap | Socks: Forever 21 | Boots: Macy's
Tuesday | Jacket: Pink Blush | Scarf: Pink Blush | Top: Caralase | Pants: Gap | Boots: Macy’s
Wednesday | Top: Lucy&Lyla | Scarf: Soel | Pants: Pink Blush | Boots: Payless
Thursday | Cardigan: Cotton On | Jumper: Target | Heels: DSW
Friday | Sweater: Old Navy | Top: Eleventh Avenue | Jeans: Gap | Booties: Francesca's
So last week Idaho played a really mean trick on all of us up here. It took us from the 80 degree, sunshiney weather to low 40s and wind. LOTS of wind. So for my wardrobe I had to pull back out all the boots and sweaters. But hey, at least we didn't get snow like my dear friends in Utah. Count your blessing, right? I think my favorite outfit from last week was the jumper - but that is because I am jumper obsessed at this moment. And it was one of the most springy outfits I got to wear. Which outfit is your favorite of the bunch?

Monday | Top: Eleventh Avenue | Pants: Gap | Socks: Forever 21 | Boots: Macy's
Tuesday | Jacket: Pink Blush | Scarf: Pink Blush | Top: Caralase | Pants: Gap | Boots: Macy’s
Wednesday | Top: Lucy&Lyla | Scarf: Soel | Pants: Pink Blush | Boots: Payless
Thursday | Cardigan: Cotton On | Jumper: Target | Heels: DSW
Friday | Sweater: Old Navy | Top: Eleventh Avenue | Jeans: Gap | Booties: Francesca's
So last week Idaho played a really mean trick on all of us up here. It took us from the 80 degree, sunshiney weather to low 40s and wind. LOTS of wind. So for my wardrobe I had to pull back out all the boots and sweaters. But hey, at least we didn't get snow like my dear friends in Utah. Count your blessing, right? I think my favorite outfit from last week was the jumper - but that is because I am jumper obsessed at this moment. And it was one of the most springy outfits I got to wear. Which outfit is your favorite of the bunch?