Fashion Fits Everyone. Volume 52.

"I’ve been overweight for most of my life, since I was 11 actually. I was a super skinny, active kid but after we moved to Idaho I started growing like crazy, up and out! I went up two pant sizes in one summer. By the time I hit 6th grade my parents stopped being able to deny that it was just a growth spurt… so we went to the doctor. My cholesterol was so high that a grown man would have been in a coma, and my thyroid levels were off the charts, in the worst way possible… my thyroid had basically stopped working. Many of you may already know this but your thyroid controls your metabolism. So when I ate my food would just sit there rather than become energy. I will have to take medication to simulate my thyroid’s job for the rest of my life, but I haven’t ever completely recovered. A big part of that is my fault and for a long time I beat myself up about that… I had some seriously low self-esteem most of my adolescence … I played it off well enough, but it was always there, ruining my family relationships one day at a time.
It wasn’t until my mission for my church that I really began to see myself through different eyes. I learned to love myself and to appreciate what I had. I’m not saying that I don’t have some things to change, I should really cut out all fast food, and get off my butt every now and then, but I’m in a place where I love myself, extra pounds and all! Part of that is that I’ve learned a few things; I know how to dress for my body… It’s all about extenuating what the good Lord gave and working around what McDonalds gave… I have great legs, curtsey of my Dad, so I don’t hide them! I’m tall, I’m curvy, and I have some pretty awesome eyes, as my mom likes to point out (you know, my mommy says I’m special and all that) so I focus on those traits! My belly is less than gorgeous so I feel most comfortable in flowy tops, that hang long. I like to wear leggings, partly because it feels like I’m wearing pajamas, and partly because they extenuate my shapely calves… I like to experiment with makeup too, I feel beautiful when I’m wearing a bright lip or my eye color really pops that day! I also love when I have a good on-point red nail!
Fashion is about making yourself feel comfortable with who you are, not who someone else says you should be. Really fashionable people dress for themselves and no one else. Fashion is more than just the clothing you put on your body, it’s the bounce you have in your step, it’s the smile on your face, it’s the way you belt “Let it Go” in your car at 1am after a particularly fun night with a friend you haven’t seen in ages! So you see my friends, fashion fits everyone because it’s a state of mind, not a size in the store! Love yourself enough to believe that, and everyone around you will too."
- Samantha from Jokes & Diet Cokes
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