Bachelor Season 19: Episode 7
Back to back Bachelor?! SAY WHAT?! Did you guys miss The Bachelor last night because you were watching SNL? I do. Not. Blame. You. But if that is the case, then I have you covered with last night's episode to get your geared up for tonight's double night doozy right now. There is also a chance to get caught up on all that was last week's episode with its drama. So make sure you relive that with all of us.
First thing first. Host Chris talking to Kelsey and Farmer Chris. Pretty boring. Kelsey still thinks she is right and Farmer Chris admits he knows nothing about women. Thank you for that. Then Host Chris talks to Andi and it is the saddest thing I have ever seen. She is so heart broken and I just want to shake Josh and say MARRY HER SHE ROCKS! Still love her. Wish her the best.
Cocktail party and rose ceremony from last week because they are LOVING mixing things up and now all rose ceremonies fall at the beginning of the episode. Boo. It is a quick one. They all sit down to chat and Carly and Kaitlyn praise his choices and tell him they are proud of him. Is her your dog or child now? Since when do his choices need your validation? Megan pulls him aside to chat. She asks where he stands and she gets sent home right then. Why make her wait? But Host Chris announces one more woman must go. So he steps into another room with Farmer Chris and as soon as they leave the room Prince Farming to the rescue. He is not ready to eliminate any of the ladies so they are all safe for one more week. The girls are happy. Especially because they are headed to IOWA! And in mind I am thinking, "Womp, womp, womp..."
Jade gets the first one on one date. She gets to go hang out in Chris' hometown. Like a pre hometown, hometown. Which she learns he has a Bachelor farm, that there are no restaurants in his town, and that on Friday nights the whole town goes to the football game. Friday night lights at it's finest. My husband couldn't get over the football players in the marching band with their pads on... but when a town is that small everyone has duel roles and responsibilities. Jade meets Chris' family and they kiss on the field while everyone chants "KISS CHRIS!" She gets a rose and heads home to tell the tale. Side note: This happens later in the episode but I need to share it here. What she doesn't tell Chris on her date while they talk about her rebel side is that she posed nude for Playboy.... she tells Carly later to talk it out. And Carly gets all wide eyed. What if someone already googled Jade? Can't wait to see Chris' reaction tonight.

The next solo date is for Whitney. She is growing on me a ton and her voice is only semi annoying now. They spent the day in Des Moines capturing their love story on film. After that they head out for dinner and the streets were lined with pedestrian paparazzi. As they are sitting there some guests show up. All of Farmer Chris' BFF decide to join the party and grill the girl. But she is cool under pressure and wows them all. Me included. Then the besties are kicked out and Whitney gets a surprise. Chris takes her to the side of the building only to find a mural of one of their photos painted. So romantic. So perfect. I die.

Meanwhile back at the house the girls decide to take a roadtrip to Chris' tiny town. They drive 2 hours for 20 minutes in this place. Everything is closed. It is an hour to the closest anything. They find some locals and chat for a few minutes. I can't help but laugh as they all walk around town in their crop tops and trendy clothes with bright lips. They are all in some sort of shock about how tiny tiny it is. Once they get back to the hotel they talk to Jade about it - apparently in the tiny town Britt says that she could never live there but she tells Jade that and then as they drive away she sees a sunset and remembers why she would be there and now she loves it. Carly goes on a rampage. Carly is cool but I also can't love her because she seems hellbent on breaking Britt. A little obsessively jealous.

The group date card comes. It is Britt, Kaitlyn, and Carly on the date. Enter Carly's obsessive rampage where she draws a puppet of Britt on her hand to talk about how she will be beat by Carly. I am getting creeped out. Does Carly have a voodoo doll under her pillow with Britt's falsies attached to it? Watch out Britt. The group date is an ice skating something. After some skating, some hockey, and some falling they all take their Chris turns. Britt first. She tells him about the roadtrip and they kiss lots. Carly next. She tells him that she is worried for Chris' because Britt is a liar... valuable use of time, my dear. Off to the evening drinks.

The girls get all snazzied up and they meet Chris for cocktails. First up with one on one? Britt. In which Chris tries to break Britt based on Carly's crazy freakout at the rink. But either Britt is a really good liar or Carly exaggerated. Who knows? Not me. Chris is still digging Britt. She tells him how bad she wants him to meet her family and all that. Next up, Kaitlyn. Who I have learned to love. She talks about how she feels like she is falling behind and how she really likes him and all that jazz. Chris validates her with the rose. And this is where I really like her because as she accepts it I see a side of her that is brand new, so humbled. When they head back to the group... awkward.

Basically Britt decide to process the fact that she didn't get the rose for once out loud. Making all feel awkward. It just keeps coming and coming to the point where Chris just leaves. After that Carly is offended and Kaitlyn is hurt. Because basically Britt said she shouldn't be 2nd 3rd or 4th and why didn't she get the rose? Awk. A little different side of Britt than we are used to seeing... definitely not the fun loving girl that nearly everyone (besides Carly) loved. Back at the hotel we don't see Britt, sure she is crying somewhere. But we do see all the girls talking about how bad of a blow up it was. And that she screwed herself and she will be going home. Carly is loving every second, in which her jealous rage comes out again. She says it was better than she could have imagined and that Britt just showed her true colors. Get over it C dog. I, personally, don't think it was that bad - but I do think it was unfortunate to watch and probably wasn't the best move.
Britt is now crying somewhere questioning if this is how she would feel why all the girls talk crap about her. And Chris is wondering how little he actually knows about the female brain. And that is where we leave it going into tonight's episode.