Bachelor Season 19: Meet the Ladies
It is time! The Bachelor is finally here! And tomorrow we get to watch America's favorite farmer start his journey to LOVE! What a quest. What a journey. For true love. For real love. For all the cliche phrases you can think of from Bachelor seasons of the past. It is finally time. I wish that they would have given Chris a season name like they gave Jake. It should be Bachelor Season 19: In the Fields of Love. But whatever... we all already know Chris so let's meet the ladies that will be competing for his heart.

Age: 24
Occupation: Flight Attendant
Hometown: Hamilton, NJ
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: I appreciate that the thing that would make her very sad is never getting to play with puppies. Especially since I want a puppy so bad right. This girl would totes be on my side in talking Adam into letting us get a dog. Also - home girl's most embarrassing moment is accidentally sending a text about someone to that someone rather than her bestie. Been there. Her yoga is her greatest accomplishment which makes me feel like she might talk about her flexibility some? Chris don't care. He is a virgin.

Age: 24
Occupation: Ballet Teacher
Hometown: Lake in the Hills, IL
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: Instantly I like her. Ballet teacherand family oriented. Plus she is beautiful. Upon further reading she sort of weirds me out. She keeps the "most romantic" note that some creep - her words not mine - wrote her because it expressed beautiful feelings. She also wants to be Allie from The Notebook. Hopeless romantic? Yes. A little crazy? Yes. I see good things from this one.

Age: 29
Occupation: Bartender
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Height: 5'3"
Opinion: She cannot live without her teddy bear. I really hope she brings it to The Bachelor mansion with her. Actually... I really hope she brings it with her when she gets out of the limo. I imagine it sitting next to the vodka at her bar. And that is all I can say about this one. I cannot get pass the teddy bear part.

Ashley I.
Age: 26
Occupation: Freelance Journalist
Hometown: Wayne, NJ
Height: 5'6"
Age: 26
Occupation: Freelance Journalist
Hometown: Wayne, NJ
Height: 5'6"
Opinion: "I decided to be a cougar." She is only 26?! How can she be a cougar!? How old was the boy she dated? 18? In that case, yes he would be immature. However - I do like her because she likes sports, hates the morning, and wants a room on a cruise ship with her imaginary lottery winnings. Please Ashley I., never mention your cougar dreams again.

Ashley S.
Age: 24
Occupation: Hair Stylist
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Height: 5'7"
Age: 24
Occupation: Hair Stylist
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Height: 5'7"
Opinion: I will not lie, she may be pretty but she is also boring. I cant even share much about her because I feel like she is too boring. I don't imagine her making it very far. I hope she proves me wrong.

Age: 25
Occupation: Chiropractic Assistant
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Height: 5'5"
Age: 25
Occupation: Chiropractic Assistant
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: This one really stood out to me from just photos. She has a unique look. I died reading her biggest date fear - which happens to be having stomach issues and clogging up a toilet like in Dumb and Dumber. She seems independent, honest, and unique from most of the ladies. I picture her going pretty far - especially since she doesn't seem to have an issue with moving to some random far off place... aka a farm. I am picking her for final two.

Age: 25
Occupation: Plus-Size Model
Hometown: Carpinteria, CA
Height: 5'9"
Age: 25
Occupation: Plus-Size Model
Hometown: Carpinteria, CA
Height: 5'9"
Opinion: Nope. That is about all the opinion you are getting here. I do not see her and Chris ending up together. At all. She seems too beach girl - and her top 12 for the Women's World for surfing proves it - for me slash for Chris. Farms and beaches are not the same thing, in case you were wondering Bo.

Age: 27
Occupation: Waitress
Hometown: Hollywood, CA
Height: 5'5"
Age: 27
Occupation: Waitress
Hometown: Hollywood, CA
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: She seems to be a really honest and down to earth girl. If she won the lottery she would pay student loans, help her parents with what they need, go on a vacation, and put the rest to savings and charity. Nothing lavish. Which I love and admire. Some might say boring but I say realistic! I think she will go to top six.

Age: 26
Occupation: WWE Diva-in-Training
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Height: 5'4"
Age: 26
Occupation: WWE Diva-in-Training
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: WWE Diva-in-Training. I can't even right now. Too much boob. Too much fighting. She is going to be a fiesty thing the first night - I am calling it right now. Let's get ready to rumbleeeee!

Age: 29
Occupation: Cruise Ship Singer
Hometown: Arlington, TX
Height: 5'4"
Age: 29
Occupation: Cruise Ship Singer
Hometown: Arlington, TX
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: She hates when her date is too handsy... but only at first. Promiscuous. But I would imagine time on the seas gets pretty lonely. I think she is going to have the best stories to tell about herself, starting with but not limited too, her time being on watch for pirates in the Red Sea. I hope she is the loose canon at the first cocktail party.

Age: 28
Occupation: Cosmetics Developer
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'4"
Age: 28
Occupation: Cosmetics Developer
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: Cosmetics Developer sounds like a freaking bomb job. For that, I love her. I also like that no matter what the question was on her "meet the ladies" was she gave a really thought out answer. An intellegent woman. I am seeing her making it to the top 10.

Age: 25
Occupation: News Producer
Hometown: Washington, DC
Height: 5'2"
Age: 25
Occupation: News Producer
Hometown: Washington, DC
Height: 5'2"
Opinion: Every news producer I have ever met is super chill so she already has a good vibe from me. She seems like my type of person - Netflix, Mike Tyson jokes, enjoys eating, and her fave is mexican food. Strictly based on the fact that she could be my BFF I see her making it pretty far. Let's say home towns? But also... she can't be a new producer in farm town - so I am knocking her back to top 10.

Age: 24
Occupation: Student
Hometown: Windsor, CO
Height: 5'5"
Age: 24
Occupation: Student
Hometown: Windsor, CO
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: I see her being eliminated in the first episode or two strictly based on the fact that Chris is a virgin and the way she would impress a man is with a sexy dance that would hopefully lead to more. There are a few words I would say about her, but this is a family blog. So you can just imagine.

Age: 30
Occupation: Esthetician
Hometown: Portland, OR
Height: 5'5"
Age: 30
Occupation: Esthetician
Hometown: Portland, OR
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: Another boring one. Short answers. Generic answers. She does not amuse me. And I think she will be gone on episode one.

Age: 29
Occupation: Dance Instructor
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Height: 5'4"
Age: 29
Occupation: Dance Instructor
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: I am split on this one. Love that she is a dancer, wants to continue dancing with a studio, and cares about paying her parents back. Hate that she said she would buy an island and dedicate it to pirates and call it Yarrrland. She will be gone by episode three.

Age: 25
Occupation: High School Soccer Coach
Hometown: Brownsville, KY
Height: 5'7"
Age: 25
Occupation: High School Soccer Coach
Hometown: Brownsville, KY
Height: 5'7"
Opinion: Her outfit and photo are not very flattering but I like her! She seems super chill - a teacher and a coach. She seems modest and laid back - doesn't try too hard. I think she will make it through for a bit and then she will either wow him or blend in.

Age: 28
Occupation: Guidance Counselor
Hometown: Austin, TX
Height: 5'5"
Age: 28
Occupation: Guidance Counselor
Hometown: Austin, TX
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: She is meh to me. Not a stand out, not a total dud either. Likes challenge and adventure. Can't say much beyond that. She will be the dark horse.

Age: 28
Occupation: Yoga Instructor
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Height: 5'7"
Age: 28
Occupation: Yoga Instructor
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Height: 5'7"
Opinon: Another yoga instructor! But she doesn't talk about it quite like the other one does so I don't see her being braggy about it. She is simple, laid back, girly. That is what I can gather from the Q&A. We shall see.

Age: 21
Occupation: Dental Assistant
Hometown: Maple Valley, WA
Height: 5'4"
Age: 21
Occupation: Dental Assistant
Hometown: Maple Valley, WA
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: This girl is pretty young. Based on her answers - wanting to be a dog because they are pampered and wanting to be Mila Kunis because is is perfect - I imagine her age will show. And I picture Chris looking for someone a little older and comfortable being laid back on the farm. I don't see a fit here.

Age: 24
Occupation: Make-Up Artist
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Height: 5'4"
Age: 24
Occupation: Make-Up Artist
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: Not that makeup artist and estheticians are not great, but I am having a hard time loving them on this set of Bachelor ladies. They all seem very similar - down to earth, family oriented, etc. I just am interested to see how down to earth this one really is because she seems a little more wild.

Age: 25
Occupation: Wedding Cake Decorator
Hometown: Provo, UT
Height: 5'3"
Age: 25
Occupation: Wedding Cake Decorator
Hometown: Provo, UT
Height: 5'3"
Opinion: She is from Provo, Utah! This is where Adam and I used to live. And based on the environment there I think she will be a great fit for Chris. He seems to be reserved and Chrisitan based and coming from Utah I am sure she will be the same thing. She has the Utah look and mentality - laugh at his jokes, make cute clothes, homemaker. She will do well on the farm. Top three for sure.

Age: 31
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ
Height: 5'8"
Age: 31
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ
Height: 5'8"
Opinion: She has a reserved attitude with a hint of sass. I love it. She wants to be Jessica Rabbit and if she could be any animal it would be a wolf. She loves to travel and couldn't live without her passport. I am interested to see how this one works out. I like her, but will Chris? One thing though. I hope she is less stuff in real life. Her photo looks like a mannequin.

Age: 26
Occupation: Former NFL Cheerleader
Hometown: New York City
Height: 5'8"
Age: 26
Occupation: Former NFL Cheerleader
Hometown: New York City
Height: 5'8"
Opinion: Stunning. I think she is so beautiful. Seems like a fun girl - but there is one thing that I need to know before I can form any more opinions... what is her job!? I hate when occupations are listed as "former" because then I want to know what they are doing now? Is she a nanny? Is she wishing to cheer again? Is she living on the street next to the MTV studios? I don't know! But I want to.

Age: 28
Occupation: Donated Tissue Specialist
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
Height: 5'6"
Age: 28
Occupation: Donated Tissue Specialist
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
Height: 5'6"
Opinion: She seems a little too old fashioned for me at times. The best way to impress a man is to keep your mouth shut? Um... probably not. Where my feminists at?! What, what? But really... why is keeping you mouth shut attractive at all? But I like her outfit in the photo above. And I like her love for popcorn and salted caramel ice cream.

Age: 27
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'5"
Age: 27
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: First things first. I feel like she has the longest neck known to mankind. Now that I have that off my chest... Her biggest date fear is dating someone selfish and arrogant - here is a tip, don't do it. I think she will do well because she doesn't mind the country. It says it right here in her paperwork! She will make top ten.

Age: 30
Occupation: Executive Assistant
Hometown: Sandy, UT
Height: 5'11"
Age: 30
Occupation: Executive Assistant
Hometown: Sandy, UT
Height: 5'11"
Opinion: Ahhh.. yes. Another Utah girl. She will fare well for the exact Utah reasons I said about the last one - values matching to Chris. She fits the Utah mold very well with her strange name, blonde hair, and Executive Assistant role. Her biggest fear on a date is peeing her pants, does that happen often to her or something? Well whatever - I like her overall. She seems chill. She will make top twelve.

Age: 26
Occupation: Sport Fishing Enthusiast
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Height: 5'10"
Age: 26
Occupation: Sport Fishing Enthusiast
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Height: 5'10"
Opinion: Since when is being an enthusiast a job? In that case let's add "Reality Television Enthusiast" to my LinkedIn. I think she will be way prettier than this photo if giving her credit for - but I wonder if she will be too tall for Chris coming in at 5'10". Put some heels on that girl and she will tower. Which I secretly love. She also has an identical twin and borrows her ID and passport sometimes... identity thief! We are on to you now.

Age: 29
Occupation: Fourth Grade Teacher
Hometown: Wellington, FL
Height: 5'4"
Age: 29
Occupation: Fourth Grade Teacher
Hometown: Wellington, FL
Height: 5'4"
Opinion: Typical teacher. Pretty reserved. Pretty chill. I don't have much to say about this one... besides the fact that a date asked her to keep her hair down once. I wonder how she will wear it throughout the show? I hope she wears it up because I secretly wonder if there is something wrong with her ears.

Age: 33
Occupation: Special Education Teacher
Hometown: San Clemente, CA
Height: 5'5"
Age: 33
Occupation: Special Education Teacher
Hometown: San Clemente, CA
Height: 5'5"
Opinion: I think this girl is darling - besides the black undershirt that I cannot love in this photo. I love the way she describes marriage - you are officially becoming a team. Could not be more true. Top tweleve candidate? I think so.

Age: 29
Occupation: Fertility Nurse
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Height: 5'7"
Age: 29
Occupation: Fertility Nurse
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Height: 5'7"
Opinion: She needs a planner - totally old school, job - to pay the bills, and a razor- can't stand hair. Her words, not mine. At least Chris will be dating one of the only women in the world that probably shaves her legs everyday in winter. You go Glen Coco. She is cute. She seems smart. I think she will make it through to top six.
So there you have it. My opinion of the Bachelor ladies. I am not sure how many times I said top ten or whatever - so if I said it 11 times, just deal with it. These are all first glance opinions based just on the headshots and bios provided by and I am sure it will all change tonight. Who are your favorites? What do you think of the ladies?