The Bachelor Season 20: Episode 7
Taking the show from the Bahamas to Warsaw, Indiana! It is time for the ladies to meet Ben's hometown. Speaking of travelling. I can't help but wonder. Do they have the girls fly separate from Ben when they all go somewhere so someone doesn't get more alone time? How do you think that works? Or does Ben go first class and the girls go coach? Anyone have thoughts on that? The ladies are in love with Ben's little hometown. Once they all see Ben and sit down he asks Lauren B out in person on the first one on one date and the girls freak because he asked them out in person in front of them. She has 30 minutes to get ready and then they are off!
Ben takes her around her town in an awesome red truck and shows her his high school, high church, and where he has first kiss. So cute. Right down memory lane.

Their last stop of the hometown tour is at Ben's place of work. The community center for kids. They play some games. Lots of baseketball. Jump rope. Everyone loves Lauren B, how could you not? And then a kid makes a half court shot and Ben has to kiss Lauren B. Just when you think the community center date is wrapping up Ben decides he has a surprise for everyone. That surprise would be the Indiana Pacers. I should be thinking about the date at this part - but I find myself thinking how cool these professional basketball players are to give back and they both say that this is what it is all about. It makes me excited for the day Adam is in the Major Leagues so he can do stuff like this.
Okay back to the date.

After the hometown tour they head to Ben's place for drinks and to talk. And they talk about how Leah - her name isn't mentioned - is incorrect in her accusations and Lauren B has nothing to worry about because Ben trusts her and he likes her. Then they head downtown to Ben's favorite bar hangout to see his friends, drink a little, laugh, and play pool. You might not have seen them playing pool but I know they did because my friend Erin was there when they were shooting. No rose on the date - but if there was she would have it cinched.
Next date is for Jojo. She gets a card, "Let's find love in the windy city." The theme of the date is Chicago. And BASEBALL!

Ben and Jojo spend their entire date at Wrigley field wearing Mr. and Mrs. Higgins jerseys - which is cool except what if Jojo doesn't win? Will she send that jersey to the winner? Jojo has never been to Chicago so Ben just shows her what he loves. The Cubs. After they play some baseball and hang out putting their names in the green monster they go change and get dressed up for dinner.

Dinner is pretty basic. And they are happy. And Jojo can't completely let her guard down. Ben understands. And they live happily ever after for the evening in center field enjoying their magical baseball dinner. Winning. I like Jojo more now than I did. I wouldn't hate it if she won.

The next date is the group date. Becca, Caila, and Amanda. They head to this resort type thing and it is cute. First up, boat rides. Ben with Caila. Becca with Amanda. So romantic. After that they head to a gorgeous barn - it sort of looks like the wedding barn from Glee, just me? okay - and each get their turn with Ben. Becca is first and she basically talks about how she feels she needs validation and asks him not to blindside her. Amanda is second and they talk about her kids and meeting the fam. And Caila is last and she whines and whines about no roots and I actually fast forward through most because of red flags and boredness.
At that point they all come back together to find out who gets the rose. Plot twist. Whoever gets the rose gets to have a one on one and the other two head home.
Amanda gets the rose to prove he wants to meet her family. The rest of their date is fun. They get a real nice breakfast all day plug for McDonalds and they both order egg mcmuffins. They also hang out behind the counter for bit. The drive through loves them.

After McDonalds he was one final surprise. A fair! In downtown. With the whole city. And no matter where they go every is within feet taking photos on their phone. So awkward. But everyone loves Ben. And in turn everyone loves Amanda. Me too. The best part is probably how terrified Ben is of the rides. But he has a valid point. They are built in a day. But I say, carnies are trusting. Give it a chance, Ben!

The last one on one goes to Emily. They take a boat out to have drinks with Ben's parents and the whole date can be summed up like this. Emily digs a giant hole for herself and then jumps in it. And then Ben sends her home. I am not surprised at all by his choice to send her home.
Time for a rose ceremony. This time I want to tell you which dresses I loved but everyone has on coats because it was freezing. So sadly, I cannot tell you who had the best dresses once again. Ben is having a hard time deciding what to do - but finally he decides there is one woman he doesn't know if he can see a future with. And Becca is sent home... NOOOOOOO! I loved her. I really hope she is the next Bachelorette. And all she can say is I told you not to blindside me. And it is sad. My favorites at this very moment are Amanda and Lauren B. Can't wait for hometowns! Who are you cheering for?