The Bachelor Season 20: Episode 5
Week five of Bachelor has arrived. And tonight we will head into week six - which, honestly to me looks like it is going to be the best. And by best I mean the best drama ever. Because that is what always happens when they give us a "To be continued..." Spoiler alert - week five ends in a to be continued. Get all the way caught up by starting with last week's episode, skim through this one, and then turn on ABC tonight for the real magic.
Starting with VIVA LA MEXICO! I am pretty sure that is what Ben yelled to start the episode off. That is right, the ladies have packed up their Vegas ways and taken it south for sun and tacos.
The first one on one is with Amanda. And basically this date can be summed up like this. Oh wait - before I sum it up I need to intro how it starts. Ben decides to wake all the women up at about 4AM - which this appears to be what Chris did, recycle much? - and they are all looking so morning like. Lauren H has in retainers, Olivia has dragon breath, Jubs wont even come out from beneath the sheets. And then he heads to wake up Amanda who looks like a heavenly angel. How is it that the girls that wear makeup to bed are the ones that end up getting the 4AM dates? I feel like they get a heads up. "You will be woken up at 4AM - don't look like an idiot." Okay. So now the date can be summed up like this. Hot air balloon - flight is key this season. Picnic in the wilderness. Off the shoulder top. Dinner. Amanda shares her very sad story - poor girl. And she gets the rose. Cute date. Very normal. I approve. I like Amanda.
Group date. Everyone but the lady that gets the final one on one. The date starts with a Spanish lesson. All the ladies get to test out their new skills on Ben and they all talk about kissing and love and marriage and Jubs gets real offended that Ben said, "Te amo", to everyone. From there they head to a restaurant to cook a little Mexican cuisine to try to win Ben's heart through their domesticated skills. They are split up into pairs. Nine ladies. Plus Ben. Plus Jubs and Olivia fighting over who gets to be Ben's partner. And Olivia wins.

Throughout the next bit the girls get to watch Olivia and her dragon breath try to win Ben over while they get their ingredients and cook up a dish. Everyone seems to be having the best time ever besides Jubs and Lauren B because Jubs is literally the most awkward ever. Yet somehow, they make the best dish! At the cocktail party every is all chat, chat, chat - drama, drama, drama. Jubs decides she will fish for more compliments and not hold Ben's hand and so Ben decides he needs to send her home. It basically went like this. Jubilee said, "Tell me you want me here." Ben said, "I can't... you need to go home." Awk. From there Ben gives Olivia the rose and she gloats.
The final one on one goes to Kindergarten teach Lauren H. They head out to a local clothing store which leads to them being able to see behind the scenes at Mexico's Fashion Week. Which then leads to them getting to model. And take tequila shots backstage. And basically from there they go to dinner and Lauren H shares her sad story - but that is all he wanted was her to open up and she lives to another week.

That night at the cocktail party it starts off as a peaceful evening but everything goes to crap as Olivia keeps smelling her rose and calls Amanda "Teen Mom". From there all the girls decide to tell Ben how much they dislike Olivia and how they make her feel. Twin literally bursts into hysterical sobs and carries into her interview and calls other twin. And Olivia knows all the girls are talking to Ben about her crazy self so she goes to talk to him again. And it is just really great. Just as it is about to be time for them to get their roses or get the boot Ben asks to talk to Olivia - in which I am wishing he goes soup nazi on her and yells "NO ROSE FOR YOU!" but I think that she will get through at least one more rose ceremony - and it cuts away to a "To be continued."
So I don't have any update of girls that go home. Wait. Scratch that. Jubilee went home compliments of the group date. Best cocktail party almost rose ceremony dresses - definitely not Jojo, she was in like a Mexican folk dance dress - but I did love what Lauren B, Becca, Caila and Jennifer were wearing. My favorites are still Lauren B, Becca, and Amanda. Who are you loving?