Weekday Wardrobe
Can you believe it!? The first Weekday Wardrobe of 2016. That is right - TWENTY SIXTEEN! Can you believe I said?! I sure can't. Life is cruising by way too quickly. I don't think it helps that my job is always looking months and years in advance. But whatever. Here we are. These last few weeks of 2016 have been all about getting the year scheduled, figuring out what my plans are, getting ready for my last month with Adam, and getting into my routine for all the things I have going on. But I feel like I am going to kick 2016 in the booty. What about you? Let's head straight into some outfits - shall we?

Monday | Top: SexyModest| Cardigan&Belt: Little Black Fashion Truck | Pants: Target | Shoes: Payless
Tuesday | Cardigan: NoVae | Dress: Downeast | Tights: Costco | Shoes: Old Navy
Wednesday | Cardigan: Target | Top: Agnes & Dora | Leggings: Old Navy | Socks: Diamondbacks | Shoes: Nordstrom Rack
Thursday | Dress: Agnes & Dora | Shoes: TJMaxx
Friday | Vest: Jane | Top: Old Navy | Leggings: Gap | Shoes: Norstrom
For me - Tuesday takes the care. I am going to be totally honest with you and say I wore this outfit like 4 times within a week. I wore it to church two Sundays in a row since I was in different towns, I wore it to a wedding reception, and I wore it to work. Sold! I did swap out the cardigan, however, for when I wore it to work. But this striped shift dress from Downeast was a steal at the 40% off sale and I am so happy I snagged it. It is so comfortable and works great for any event - obviously... I wore it to three! And then Wednesday and Friday are a close second - love both of those outfits right now. Which of the outfits are your favorite? Any that you would love to have in your closet?