Weekday Wardrobe
Getting this post written and up proved to be a lot harder than normal. First, my blog server went down - again. Then once my site was live, the backend was broken so I couldn't even log in to do anything. Then once I finally got everything uploaded once I could log in again the internet at my house broke and I couldn't make the final tweaks and type in all this first paragraph. So why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to know it was hard and I still did it because I feel it is important! I love sharing my weekday wardrobe with you. I want you to see my on the day to day, not just when I get put together for an outfit post.

Monday | Cardigan: Eleventh Avenue | Top: SexyModest | Leggings: Gap | Shoes: Francesca’s
Tuesday | Cardigan: Old Navy | Dress: Target |Shoes: Missing... clearly
Wednesday | Cardigan: Old Navy | Sweater: NoVae | Leggings: Gap | Shoes: Old Navy
Thursday | Sweater: Aro and Co | Scarf: Soel | Leggings: Gap | Shoes: Nordstrom Rack
Friday | Top: Pink Blush | Jeans: Gap | Shoes: Forever Young
This week was the last for mostly glasses because I finally got into my eye doctor! But it was funny to me how many people loved them on me. Because I am always thinking - glasses, no thanks. I also started getting sick - which meant hair in a bun or pony because I just couldn't. I also couldn't see to do my hair or makeup because my vision is the worst and my glasses were in the way. Promising, yeah? With all that being said my favorite outfit was probably Wednesday. It was so comfy and cozy - and really the first day that I was thought maybe I don't need to get all the way done up always. It felt good. Which of last week's outfits do you love most?