My 2016 Word
Every year I pick a word to focus my year around. Last year my word was strong. I wanted to become emotionally strong while Adam was away. I was able to support him and be happy even when things didn't work perfect. I wanted to be mentally strong for my own confidence. I was able to put other's opinions in a box and realize that all that mattered was my happiness, I didn't need to please others. I wanted to become physically strong, and I am still working on that one every day. But I made steps with workout and diet. I am really happy with how things went in 2015, but I am very excited for 2016 and the word I selected.

Hustle. Basically my life has gotten really busy since we moved to Idaho. Not only do I have my job, but I have been offered opportunities volunteer, teaching dance, and I finally have friends again. That means there is always a lot going on - because I have to balance all of those items with Adam, family, baseball, and my own sanity. So this year I decided to focus on hustling. Working hard, playing hard, and overall just doing a good job. I want to feel accomplished this year. And I never want to feel like I am behind. My word and my resolution aline too. I decided for my resolution this year to get a planner, use it consistently, and stick to it. That way I can stick to my hustle without falling behind. But I will share more on my resolution later. Right now - I want you to focus on the word HUSTLE! Because that is my plan. Every day I will be hustling to work hard so at the end of the day I can look back, relax, and feel accomplished for what was done - whether it is a million tasks or one. Hustling isn't about working hard, it is about working smart. And that is what I plan to do. To kick booty this year. So watch for me - everyday I'll be hustlin'. What word will you use to help guide you in 2016?