Weekday Wardrobe
You guys... it's been awhile, right? I stopped taking daily outfit picks. I stopped blogging. I even stopped doing as much on social media. A break just felt right and it felt nice. The holidays and my overwhelming schedule got the best of me and so I called it quits on the one thing that seemed not as fun for the time being. But I missed it. My blog is an outlet and a release for me. And even when people aren't reading it, it makes me feel good to just be in here typing out my thoughts and feelings. All the feels. You know? So I am back. Trying to get back on blogging track - and we will get there slowly. So I am starting with an old collage of outfits that was never shared.

Monday | Top: Agnes and Dora| Cardigan: Old Navy | Pants: Old Navy | Shoes: Forever Young
Tuesday | Top: Jane.com | Pants: SexyModest | Shoes: Cousin Couture
Wednesday | Top: NoVae | Pants: Old Navy | Shoes: Payless
Thursday | Top: Lucy & Lyla | Caridgan: Soel Boutique | Pants: Gap | Shoes: Payless
Friday | Top: Lucy & Lyla | Cardigan: Old Navy | Pants: Old Navy | Shoes: Payless
Okay... so I remember this week of outfits. Everyday I woke up being like - nope. Don't like my hair. Don't like my outfit. I feel like I look like junk. It was this week that helped me realize I wasn't taking care of myself and led to the small blogging break. Because I needed to cut something out for a bit while I figured my crap out. But with that being said. The day I felt I looked the worst - Thursday - is now my favorite looking at these outfits. Because I know that day I just was myself. I didn't stress about looking perfect for work and for meetings and so on. I just got up, got ready, and hit the pavement for another day. And somehow I feel like that day makes me look on top of the world. Bizarre, right? Which of these days do you love the most? Do you have any items you would want in your closet?