Mobile from the Mobile
Say what? It has been just over two months since I went to Mobile to celebrate three years married to this husband of mine. Can you believe it? Probably not because I never even really mentioned it. And unless you follow me closely on Instagram this is all new to you. Well. In August I went to Mobile, Alabama with Slider in tote to see Skinny Mill one last time before he came home. And basically this trip was all puppies and baseball again.

I felt it was important to take advantage of the Mobile in Mobile pun once more with all photos from my phone. Basically I will sum up this whole post one photo at a time. Just follow from left to right and the photos are seriously not in order at all.
Slider and I took off from the Boise airport bright and early to get there in time for the game on Friday. \\ While we were there Adam and I were able to try out a really delicious restaurant called Felix's Fish Camp thanks to a rain storm that resulted in a cancelled game for our anniversary. \\ Slider loved to be at the games, but sometimes he just gets a little tuckered out after kids chase him for two innings and he just naps.
The view at dinner was amazing. Right on the water. So I was trying to get a photo without looking awkward.... Nailed it. \\ Adam and I don't take a lot of photos together so sometimes I force him to take them on the way out of our hotel room. \\ The one jersey photo we got while I was there. I was aiming for a new pose.
Slider at the airport. \\ The sign at anniversary dinner was totally cool. This photo does it no justice. \\ Slider and I right after the downpour. I was literally in the rain for... maybe 1 minute max and that is what I looked like.
Slider and Luba at the game. Luba is a baseball girlfriend and was there every time I went this summer. And I just really adore her. And she adores Slider. \\ This photo basically sums up all the feelings of my heart. Adam, Slider, Baseball. I melted. And had to snag a photo of it. Slider was just chasing Adam down the baseline and so Adam stopped to pick him up. \\ The best appetizer of all time at Felix's. Artichoke crab dip. I can't even.
One more photo from anniversary dinner because we can. \\ Jeff fed Slider a bunch of nacho cheese and Slider LOVED it. Jeff is Wade's - the best batboy in the world - Dad and always a hoot to hang out with at the games. \\ And my favorite photo from the whole trip. Adam and I were sitting holding hands like we always do on the way to the airport and Slider just set his paw on top. We are family.
Basically it was a fabulous little Mobile vacation. And I loved seeing Adam play baseball. And I loved seeing Adam. I loved being in the town where he spent his summer. That is all I can say. Anytime with Adam is a good time. But it is a lot of fun to be able to explore new places as we travel with baseball.