Mobile from the Mobile
Every time I got to visit Adam we talk about the same things before I head out. We need to make a music video, we need to be better about taking photos, and we need to go out and explore a little more rather than just sitting around. Basically our whole time together can be summed up and told be the photos from our phones. Lots of puppy time, lots of baseball, and lots of relaxing.

This time we did about one and half things on the list... we took a few more photos, most of them were of Slider and not of us. In fact we took a photo of us the first day I was there and on our way out the door the last day I was there - so that is the half. And we for sure made a music video, that Adam wasn't a huge fan of making but he loves me so he humors me. The one thing we totally missed the mark on was getting out and exploring. In fact, that is the one we miss the mark on the most. We did get out for baseball games, food, walks with Slider, and a movie... but other than that it was lots of quality bonding time and playing with the puppy because Adam hadn't met him until my trip this time!
The first day I was there - well the first day we were both there because I got in at 2pm Friday and Adam was still on his way back from a road trip that night - we slept in because Adam didn't arrive in from his road trip until around 5AM. Then we woke up and Adam got a chance to meet the puppy. We played and ate and then Adam was off to the field. Slider and I hung out at the apartment and then head over for the 4th of July celebration - a game followed by fireworks. Oh so American.
The second day we head to church and then back home to get Adam over to the field - only for the game to be cancelled! So we went to Inside Out and late night appetizers at Applebees.
The third day was a double header. Which meant lots of time at the field. Followed by some more Applebees.
The forth and final day was just a day to pack and say our farewells. I know, we are so exciting. So the weekend could be summed up with these words: Slider, baseball, chicken, and rain. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe next time I will get some more photos for you instead of just a Slider collage? But probably not. I tried!