Weekday Wardrobe
You know what I don't love so much about vacation? Getting off of my sleeping schedule. I was doing great - bed at 10PM up for the gym at 6AM... and now it is like bed at 1PM hurry and get up and rush to work looking like a little rat. Unfortunately you have to wait a WHOLE week to see those rush to work looks. Sorry kids. However... you do get to see a CLEAN closet! Did anyone else notice the pink shirt from the floor has finally been picked up? That is because I pick up my puppy this weekend so I spend last week before my vacay puppy proofing... also known as cleaning up after myself.

Monday | Top: Lucy & Lyla | Skirt: Pick Your Plum | Heels: Payless
Tuesday | Cardigan: Old Navy |Top: Eleventh Avenue | Pants: Pink Blush | Flats: TJMaxx
Wednesday | Top: Cotton On | Belt: Little Black Fashion Truck | Skirt: Soel | Heels: Dillard's
Thursday | Hat: Cents of Style | Top: Kiss Me Mint | Shorts: Aeropostale | Sandals: Target
Friday | Cardigan: Target | Top: SexyModest | Pants: Gap | Flats: Payless
Three Idaho outfits, two Alabama outfits. I am going to have to say my favorite out of all of them would be.... Tuesday! I didn't feel so hot about it when I threw it on, but looking at the photos I am totally sold. Which one is your favorite? Tonight I head to California for a blog conference and I am still debating on what to wear - should I take the hat from Thursday? No hat? Dress? Thoughts? I need help.

Monday | Top: Lucy & Lyla | Skirt: Pick Your Plum | Heels: Payless
Tuesday | Cardigan: Old Navy |Top: Eleventh Avenue | Pants: Pink Blush | Flats: TJMaxx
Wednesday | Top: Cotton On | Belt: Little Black Fashion Truck | Skirt: Soel | Heels: Dillard's
Thursday | Hat: Cents of Style | Top: Kiss Me Mint | Shorts: Aeropostale | Sandals: Target
Friday | Cardigan: Target | Top: SexyModest | Pants: Gap | Flats: Payless
Three Idaho outfits, two Alabama outfits. I am going to have to say my favorite out of all of them would be.... Tuesday! I didn't feel so hot about it when I threw it on, but looking at the photos I am totally sold. Which one is your favorite? Tonight I head to California for a blog conference and I am still debating on what to wear - should I take the hat from Thursday? No hat? Dress? Thoughts? I need help.