A Reason To Stand

I am a sucker for a motivational speech or conference, and today I am SO excited to share a brand new conference with you right here in my home state of Idaho - which for all you Utah, Oregon, and Washington friends... it isn't that far and it is going to be AMAZING! The conference is called A Reason to Stand and it will be held right here in Idaho's capital city of Boise on May 9th. Let me tell you first, why I am so excited for this conference. It is being put on by two amazing women that I know. One being a woman I have always looked up to, Ashlee, and one being a woman that I grew up with and absolutely adore, Tiffanie.
The main woman behind this whole this is Ashlee - if you are from Idaho you have probably heard of her blog and her story before. If you haven't, here it is in the shortest version possible, "My name is Ashlee. Four years ago my husband Emmett was killed at the Walgreens on Linder Rd. in Meridian. Since that time, our family has been on a journey to heal from that tragedy. Along the way, I have come to learn that everyone is struggling to heal from some sort of pain. Whether it is a loss of a loved one, or simply a loss of the story you always thought you would live- we all will, at one time or another, experience pain and grief." After everything happened she started a blog to share her life and her story with everyone called The Moments We Stand. And I think she is amazing.
The second woman is Ashlee's cousin, Tiffanie who grew up right down the street from me. Her family is incredible and I adore every single one of them. They are all so services orientated, know how to make everyone smile, and open their hearts and arms to literally every person they can. When everything happened to Ashlee, Tiff moved in with her to help her with things around the house. Tiffanie has also had her own trials of her Mom's health issues and her Father passing away suddenly. And you can read her whole story at The Moments We Mend.
These two women know trial, they know strength, they know the importance of worth and of support. A reason to stand is a healing conference. It will be an all day event filled with motivational speakers, therapists, and life experts. Ashlee will also be telling her story of healing and how they have found peace. "Four years ago, this community rallied around my little family, and many of you gave us hope to keep living. I hope anyone who has ever felt broken will come join me as I take a turn helping others find a reason to stand. Life is hard, but we are not alone."
I invite you to join us at A Reason to Stand on May 9th. It will be held at the Boise Center on the Grove. Tickets are are $125 for the all day event that will run from 8am to 6pm. The conference was created for everyone. Everyone who feels like they are not enough, or have been forgotten. It is going to be amazing. I cannot WAIT to be there and I hope to have you there with me. A healing conference for everyone, no matter what you are experiencing. Because YOU are ENOUGH!