Spring Training 2K15
I know I have talked a lot of crap about Arizona. About how I hated it. And it is SO hot. And how it was hell. And it was miserable. But this last week is proof that I don't really hate Arizona, I just hated living there alone with my closest friends 30 minutes away in the middle of summer. Plus add in the fact that my closest friends - who happen to be some kids I used to babysit and their parents - left me for a good solid month in that summer. No good. But when I am there with my husband and with my friends. I love it. And I was really sad to leave. So until next time Adam is there for the bigs or for a fall camp - I will hold onto the memories of four days at Spring Training 2k15.
Day one was filled with no photos and no great stories. Because I landed at 11pm. And then all I wanted was something to eat and the only thing that was open was Taco Bell and I am pretty sure that is the reason I felt like throwing up the next day, which also makes me so sad because I love Crunch Wrap Supremes... So I will just pretend I was dehydrated or someth. Adam picked me up and we drove to northern Phoenix to our friends house where we were staying. And got 4 hours of sleep because the next morning Adam had to leave early for practice and I rode down with him so I get some more time.
Day two started bright and early. I dropped Adam and his roomie Mr. Hath off at the field and then went and hung out on their hotel. I was nervous to go down and get breakfast in the lobby because I didn't want to hotel people to be like, "You're not a baseball player! Get out!" So I didn't get a waffle that day and I am still kicking myself about it! But I did make a quick trip to Target for dry shampoo (praises!!) and hairspray + some sunscreen and a mini pack of Cadburry eggs. I watched a lot of basketball and Cinderella movies while I got ready and then I headed to the Cubs' stadium, with one pit stop at Chick-fil-a.

Top: Pink Blush c/o | Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

Adam was supposed to pitch that day, so the Walkers came and met me in the stands and we made a lot of noise while we waited for Adam's turn. I also got to see a BYU Baseball wife because her husband was playing on the opposing team. Madison, Erin, and I went down and bugged Adam at the bullpen for a bit. And I completely embarrassed Madison as she tried to snag the perfect Insta picture with us holding our baseballs. See above for more proof on that one. Once the game was over I snagged a picture with Adam and then I took off to meet him back at his hotel. That night we enjoyed some In N Out and then hung out with the Walkers watching NCAA games.
Day three was Sunday. Adam took off early in the morning and we joined him down at Salt River Fields later to watch him pitch. After church we all changed, ate, and made our way to the field and walked up as Adam was walking on the field. He usually pitches closer to the end of the game, but this time they put him in for the 5th inning and we almost missed it. It was so lucky that we got there in time. He did great! A few kinks to work out before his next outing, but he is getting better every single time. It was fun to watch the masses of his teammates move over from the other field as soon as they saw him walk on the field. He has fans everywhere. My favorite thing to see is how Adam reacts with those that support him. We had a good 15 minutes of chatting after his inning and a cute kid came and asked for a photo and an autograph. Seeing him interact with people like that.

Top: Pink Blush c/o | Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear c/o | Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

While he was working out we enjoyed some laughs and some baseball. And the Walker girls decided which players they would like to date. I will never get sick of my little sisters. They always keep me laughing. After the game wrapped up I hung out with Adam at the hotel and the Walkers went home. Adam had a meeting at 6PM and while he was there I watched shows at the hotel, catching the trend yet? Ha! Once it all wrapped up we headed up to the Walkers for dinner and relaxation.
Day four was the last full day in Arizona. It started with a trip down to Adam's hotel while he was at baseball. This time I DID go get a waffle and let me tell ya, I loved it. Then I took a nice long nap which brought my sleep total to 10 hours and some odd minutes for the day - thanks to my Fitbit for that state. Once I woke up, I got ready, and I head over to the baseball field I got to sit in the stands with Adam because he was on "foul ball" duty, which meant he had to chase down any foul balls during the game. Once we hit the end of the 5th inning Adam was able to leave so he went and showered up and I hung out with Steve for a bit. Then once Adam was ready we went over to Sprinkles cupcakes to enjoy a snack and fall in love with the cupcake ATM... okay, only me - I was so excited to see it!

Lace Vest: Pink Blush c/o | Top: SexyModest | Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear c/o
Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

I was SO excited for some Sprinkles, if you cannot tell. We tried their two seasonal cupcakes. Bomb, I tell ya! That night we went swimming with Erin and Dallin while Madison was at work. And then we all stayed up watching The Voice while we waited on Madison to get back home. Oh... also, we had the BEST enchiladas made by Jill. So. Good.
Day five doesn't really count as a day at all. Once again, I rode down to practice with Adam, dropped him and Steve off, and went to the lobby to get a waffle. I watched more and more shows - mostly on TLC. And then I repacked my nightmare of a suitcase and waited for Adam's practice to get over so I could enjoy 30 more minutes with him before Jill came to pick me up and drop me at the airport. When I met up with Adam he told me HE got to take me to the airport and that we got a whole hour before he needed to take me.

So we just enjoyed our last little bit together laughing, crying - only me a this point, kissing, and talking. Then Adam drove me to the airport and dropped me off. And let me tell you something, I never thought I would say, "I want to stay in Arizona!" More than I did on the drive to the airport. But I have a great husband who comforts me and supports me and reminds me of all the food things in Idaho that are waiting for me. It all goes to show that the homeless man on Joe Dirt had it right, "Home is where you make it." And for those 5ish days home was with Adam in Arizona whether at his hotel room or at our friends' home. The trip was great. My husband is great. And I cannot wait to see where Adam goes for the season so I can start planning out my next mini vacay.
Day one was filled with no photos and no great stories. Because I landed at 11pm. And then all I wanted was something to eat and the only thing that was open was Taco Bell and I am pretty sure that is the reason I felt like throwing up the next day, which also makes me so sad because I love Crunch Wrap Supremes... So I will just pretend I was dehydrated or someth. Adam picked me up and we drove to northern Phoenix to our friends house where we were staying. And got 4 hours of sleep because the next morning Adam had to leave early for practice and I rode down with him so I get some more time.
Day two started bright and early. I dropped Adam and his roomie Mr. Hath off at the field and then went and hung out on their hotel. I was nervous to go down and get breakfast in the lobby because I didn't want to hotel people to be like, "You're not a baseball player! Get out!" So I didn't get a waffle that day and I am still kicking myself about it! But I did make a quick trip to Target for dry shampoo (praises!!) and hairspray + some sunscreen and a mini pack of Cadburry eggs. I watched a lot of basketball and Cinderella movies while I got ready and then I headed to the Cubs' stadium, with one pit stop at Chick-fil-a.

Top: Pink Blush c/o | Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

Adam was supposed to pitch that day, so the Walkers came and met me in the stands and we made a lot of noise while we waited for Adam's turn. I also got to see a BYU Baseball wife because her husband was playing on the opposing team. Madison, Erin, and I went down and bugged Adam at the bullpen for a bit. And I completely embarrassed Madison as she tried to snag the perfect Insta picture with us holding our baseballs. See above for more proof on that one. Once the game was over I snagged a picture with Adam and then I took off to meet him back at his hotel. That night we enjoyed some In N Out and then hung out with the Walkers watching NCAA games.
Day three was Sunday. Adam took off early in the morning and we joined him down at Salt River Fields later to watch him pitch. After church we all changed, ate, and made our way to the field and walked up as Adam was walking on the field. He usually pitches closer to the end of the game, but this time they put him in for the 5th inning and we almost missed it. It was so lucky that we got there in time. He did great! A few kinks to work out before his next outing, but he is getting better every single time. It was fun to watch the masses of his teammates move over from the other field as soon as they saw him walk on the field. He has fans everywhere. My favorite thing to see is how Adam reacts with those that support him. We had a good 15 minutes of chatting after his inning and a cute kid came and asked for a photo and an autograph. Seeing him interact with people like that.

Top: Pink Blush c/o | Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear c/o | Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

While he was working out we enjoyed some laughs and some baseball. And the Walker girls decided which players they would like to date. I will never get sick of my little sisters. They always keep me laughing. After the game wrapped up I hung out with Adam at the hotel and the Walkers went home. Adam had a meeting at 6PM and while he was there I watched shows at the hotel, catching the trend yet? Ha! Once it all wrapped up we headed up to the Walkers for dinner and relaxation.
Day four was the last full day in Arizona. It started with a trip down to Adam's hotel while he was at baseball. This time I DID go get a waffle and let me tell ya, I loved it. Then I took a nice long nap which brought my sleep total to 10 hours and some odd minutes for the day - thanks to my Fitbit for that state. Once I woke up, I got ready, and I head over to the baseball field I got to sit in the stands with Adam because he was on "foul ball" duty, which meant he had to chase down any foul balls during the game. Once we hit the end of the 5th inning Adam was able to leave so he went and showered up and I hung out with Steve for a bit. Then once Adam was ready we went over to Sprinkles cupcakes to enjoy a snack and fall in love with the cupcake ATM... okay, only me - I was so excited to see it!

Lace Vest: Pink Blush c/o | Top: SexyModest | Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear c/o
Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

I was SO excited for some Sprinkles, if you cannot tell. We tried their two seasonal cupcakes. Bomb, I tell ya! That night we went swimming with Erin and Dallin while Madison was at work. And then we all stayed up watching The Voice while we waited on Madison to get back home. Oh... also, we had the BEST enchiladas made by Jill. So. Good.
Day five doesn't really count as a day at all. Once again, I rode down to practice with Adam, dropped him and Steve off, and went to the lobby to get a waffle. I watched more and more shows - mostly on TLC. And then I repacked my nightmare of a suitcase and waited for Adam's practice to get over so I could enjoy 30 more minutes with him before Jill came to pick me up and drop me at the airport. When I met up with Adam he told me HE got to take me to the airport and that we got a whole hour before he needed to take me.

So we just enjoyed our last little bit together laughing, crying - only me a this point, kissing, and talking. Then Adam drove me to the airport and dropped me off. And let me tell you something, I never thought I would say, "I want to stay in Arizona!" More than I did on the drive to the airport. But I have a great husband who comforts me and supports me and reminds me of all the food things in Idaho that are waiting for me. It all goes to show that the homeless man on Joe Dirt had it right, "Home is where you make it." And for those 5ish days home was with Adam in Arizona whether at his hotel room or at our friends' home. The trip was great. My husband is great. And I cannot wait to see where Adam goes for the season so I can start planning out my next mini vacay.