Days Away + Days Off

Top: Aro & Company c/o
Up to this point, the last few months of blogging have been wonderfully consistent. And I have loved every day of it. The opportunity to connect with new readers and to build relationships with old readers. The new companies I have networked with. The chances to explore fashion and try new things as I define my own style. It has been everything that I love about blogging all wrapped up with a pretty bow. I have been posting on a regular basis and I have been frequently found on social media, but if you haven't noticed this last week and a half I slipped from the internet world. And while I don't apologies for it, I do feel like I need to keep my people included on my life. If you didn't read between the lines on my Insta posts - my sweet husband left for Spring Training last Sunday. Which is the start of 7 months apart. So right now I am spending my time getting used to time apart. Lots of nights I stay at my parents home from 5PM until bedtime and then I do it all over again the next day. Every day gets easier, and every day I will get a little more normal. But for now there will be days away from social media and days off from the blog. And while that is all happening I am working on some fun things offline that will hopefully be coming to you shortly. So thank you for the support and the love. And until I am fully back and all geared up you can catch an occasion fashion post, a few of the thoughts and feels, and always a Bachelor recap.