Shabby Apple
Let me tell you all about this skirt and how it came to be. I have had a Shabby Apple gift card in my possession for too long. I am a gift card hoarder for those of you who do not know me. And I have been saving and saving my Shabby Apple gift card for the most perfect of items. For the longest I thought that perfect item was going to be one of their tulle skirts - but I kept debating if I could just make it myself, so I kept the gift card tucked away. And then all the sudden Shabby Apple released their new line and I was in love. Every time they posted something on Instagram I would swoon. And I finally decided, I would spend my gift card. So I pulled up my favorite items, sat down next to Adam, and showed him a bunch of A or B options to see what he liked - because that is always what I do when I can't make up my own mind. And finally we landed on this skirt - that I didn't think he would love, but I knew I loved it, and happily he loved it too.

Skirt: Shabby Apple
Chambray: Gap
Necklace: Chicos
Shoes: Forever Young
Chambray: Gap
Necklace: Chicos
Shoes: Forever Young
When it showed up in my mail box I was SO happy. It is so beautiful. I tried it on instantly and was even more in love. And now I have the most beautiful waltz skirt that I have ever laid my eyes on. And that, my friends is the perks of saving your gift cards. Because someday you might find the most perfect of items and you will just be able to get it because you have free money on a little plastic card. Where do you wish you had a gift card to? Do you save your gift cards for moments just like these?