Weekday Wardrobe
Welcome back to the REAL WORLD. How was everyone's week back after a long Thanksgiving weekend? Or a semi long weekend since you either spent all Friday shopping or had to work Black Friday? My week back started with a talk at church - which turned into two talks because Adam and I got asked to go speaking at a nursing home. We also had to teach double the Sunday school classes since the 14-15 year old teacher was out celebrating the holidays with her family. And then all the sudden I am really tired every day this week. But... ya know what? Aint no thang. Blessings to serve. And thankful for what I have. It was just a quick boot back into reality after the days off! And of course. Last week I only caught the weekday wardrobe for the first half of the week because the other days were VACATION days! And this week is wrapping up with a trip to California to party with my Pollinate peeps.

Monday:: Chambray: Gap / Cardigan: Cotton On / Pants: Gap / Shoes: DSW
Tuesday:: Top: Macys / Cardigan: Old Navy / Skirt: LulaRoe / Shoes: Macys
Wednesday:: Top: SexyModest / Cardigan: Downeast Basics / Pants: Gap / Shoes: DSW