Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 43

"Fashionable? For me fashion and style are two different things. Fashion to me is general and style personal. My fashion is an extension of my personality. It is basically about how I feel at any given point of time. I would never wear or buy something just because it is in fashion.
My personal style is defined by golden jewelry, contrasted with subtle shades and black. I always try to set off my outfit with a statement necklace. I have a huge fetish for unique pieces of jewelry. My Indian heritage has influenced my style a lot, specially when it comes to selecting beautiful traditional Jewelry from different parts of my country. You will mostly find me sticking to black and often when I am in a mood to pep up my look, I team my look with a bright piece of jewelry.
You would more often see my in draped dresses. I feel experiment is the key to success in terms of style and I try to follow exactly that. How can I forget the essential Indian wear, I'm equally at ease in an elaborate saree as I am in Western outfits. I believe in dressing according to ones body type and in clothes that one is comfortable in. I dress according to my mood. It needn't always be a luxury brand, I love high - street fashion as well.
I don't wear make up unless I have to, Kohl and lip gloss would be my go to look for the mornings. If you have a good lifestyle than your natural beauty will shine through. My signature look is the red mouth - a classic shining look for the night with dark eyes. I feel red lippy makes a statement of it's own and sets off my skin tone perfectly."
- Karen D'souza from Kdizzle Designs
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