Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 41

"There are days where I completely believe that we are more confident when we are dressed nicer. But at the same time I feel that confidence also comes from dressing how you like, not how the “New York Fashion Week” says you should. If wearing makeup and having your hair done makes you feel better about yourself then go for it! Just make sure you don’t get to the point where if someone saw you without the makeup you’d be crushed. It is so important to have your confidence level be separate from your fashion and beauty world. You need to love yourself without makeup as much as you do with makeup.
I’m a pretty small person. I found the best type of pants for me are cropped, or rolled up right above the ankle, and skinny. I can’t remember the last time I wear boot cut of any type of pant.
When it comes to skirts, the best length for me is no longer then right below the knee, unless of course it’s a maxi. But mid-calf don’t look great, unless I’m wearing heels or wedges. I think this is because I legs on the shorter side.
When it comes to skirts, the best length for me is no longer then right below the knee, unless of course it’s a maxi. But mid-calf don’t look great, unless I’m wearing heels or wedges. I think this is because I legs on the shorter side.
I’ve tried to pick what my style is but sometimes I’ll wear a cute pencil skirt with a nice top and heels or wedges, and other times you’ll see me in a hoodie, jeans, crazy socks and my vans that are full of holes. The reason I share this is because no one should be confined to one style. I for one dislike it when people point out that I’m wearing heels or lipstick. Everyone should be allowed to have as many different styles as they want, we shouldn’t be confined to one style. I feel this way because it gives us more freedom to really be ourselves, or to dress however we’d like or feel.
Fashion fits everyone because everyone deserves to be fashionable, in their own way. No matter what body type. I have a friend who is a little bigger but she doesn’t let that stop her from wearing the cutest trendy clothes, and she rocks them! Who says you have to look like the model in the magazine to be fashionable."
- Sierra from Enjoy to the End
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