Two Year Q&A with Deidre
Yesterday you got to see Adam's answers to our marriage quiz of sorts and today it is all me. So sit back, relax, and take a peak into a few of our memories from the last couple years. Oh... and of course, the results of the Deidre or Adam questions. Do Adam and I see eye to eye? Just keep scrolling to find out!

Favorite Date? My favorite date would have to be Paint Nite. Adam and I had been trying to think of something fun and different to do on our dates. Since moving to Arizona we didn't really know what sort of activities were available so we started taking turns planning date night. The person in charge had to plan it all - which made us step out and find some fun new things without discussing it with the other person. Paint Nite was Adam's date. And he NAILED it. First we went to Costa Vida - which was like heaven because I had been missing it ever since we left Utah - and then we went and had a painting party. We painted the Boston skyline. It was really fun, and we are pretty awesome if I do say so myself. It was so fun to try something totally different with Adam. A post about the date will be coming soon!
Best Vacation? Without a doubt the 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. Even though it started out all wrong by missing the first day, it ended with a bang! It was so nice to just be out adventuring with Adam.
Favorite thing about Adam? My favorite thing about Adam is he can make me laugh. Even if I feel like the world is falling apart and I just want to crawl in a hole and cry, a one minute conversation with him will change my entire attitude.
Best memory? My best memory of Adam is when he came home to surprise me last baseball season. His team was in Ogden and as soon as they got into town he hoped on a train to surprise me. I wasn't planning on seeing him until the next day though, so when he showed up at our door I was totally surprised and shut the door on him... whoops! I was basically an emotional wreck because I was so surprised and so happy to see him. Oh, and don't you worry... the moment was caught on tape.
Describe Adam in three words? Charitable, Hilarious, and Handsome
What is something everyone should know about Adam? Everyone should know how hard of a worker Adam is. Whether it is baseball, school, our relationship, the gospel - Adam is ALWAYS working hard. He never puts in half his heart. And he never complains about having to work hard. He puts our family above everything else and is always willing to work to make it the best no matter what it takes in other aspects of his life.
Better Cook: Adam (match)
More Messy: Deidre (match)
Better Artist: Adam (match)
More Talkative: Deidre (match)
Better Planner: Deidre (match)
More Social: Deidre (match)
Better Athlete: Adam (match)
More Silly: Adam (not a match)
Better Dancer: Deidre (match)
More Adventurous: Adam (not a match)
8 out of 10 isn't so bad! And I guess the two we missed are subjective... but I really do think Adam is the proper answers to those two. Adam is the one always making jokes and being a ham. He is also the one who always suggests we go out on the town when I say, "I am fine just hanging out here!" I would let him defend why he picked me... but I am always right, so no need. Jokes! Maybe he can come back and defend his answers on his next post. So there you have it. Hope that lets you see a little more of us. Have you ever played games like this in your relationship? Do you think you and your significant other would match up on answers?