Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 38

"Fashionable is not a word that I usually use to describe myself. Confidence in my body and my style is something that I've struggled with in the past as I've struggled with lifestyle changes and fluctuating weight. There was a point in my life when I was in amazing shape and I felt really cute in anything I put on. I loved going shopping and had the easiest time finding clothes that fit me well and looked good. Four years later, I'm at a point where I hate to shop, trying to pick an outfit to wear in the morning is more frustrating than it is exciting, a lot of my favorite outfits don't fit right anymore and make me feel terrible, and I wear workout pants with a t-shirt whenever I can.
>My friend Jana recently wrote about why she started writing fashion posts on her blog and it changed the way I view fashion, my wardrobe and my body. I left her blog feeling inspired and excited to explore my closet, accessory drawer and jewelry box and find ways to feel beautiful every day. Fashion to me is no longer a word that I dread or that I think can only be used to describe women who are always wearing the latest trends.
I feel fashionable when I take the time to get ready in the morning. I feel fashionable when I put things in my closet together to create a new look I've never worn. I feel fashionable when I try something new with my hair or makeup. Fashion to me isn't about a certain style of clothing or following the trends. Fashion is about wearing something that I feel comfortable in, something that makes me feel beautiful and something that shows off my personality and who I am as an individual.
Whenever I go shopping now, I take someone with me who I know will give me their honest opinion. I've found a lot of cute things that I never would have bought if I was by myself because I have someone there to give me a different perspective. When I think an outfit accentuates an area of my body that I'm always trying to hide, they only see the way it shows off my womanly curves and those clothes usually end up being some of my favorites to wear. When I find an article of clothing that makes me feel really confident, I immediately search for accessories and other things to pair it with to help me turn that one thing into multiple outfits so that I feel cute and stylish without wearing the exact same outfit once a week.
The biggest lesson I've learned lately is that I need to embrace my body, no matter where I am on my pathway to health and getting in shape. Just because I don't fit into some of the shirts that I used to for now doesn't mean that I can only wear my comfortable grunge clothes or the same four outfits over and over again because they don't make me feel vulnerable. Fashion fits everyone no matter their size, personal style or budget. Be creative and you might be surprised by how fashionable you start to feel!
Sidenote: For these pictures that we took last fall, I searched high and low for a new, fun, dress that I would feel really sexy in. The night before pictures I was feeling defeated, so my sister took to my closet. She paired a dress I'd had for a while with a black shade, a fairly new cardigan, and the brand new, fun scarf that we'd just bought. It wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind for me to wear, but I ended up really loving it!"
- Amberly from Life with Amberly and Joe
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