I have been holding onto these photos for some time.... and by sometime I mean nearly eight months. We took them before all the snowfall in Utah last year and got back all the prints in early February. They were our one year anniversary photos, but since we are almost to two years... I figure it is time I let the public see them. A women from our ward back in Orem, Utah offered to take them, and I LOVED all of them. They are hanging up all over our house and there have been a few that have popped up on Facebook. In addition to that I put on in a frame for Adam to take with him to Indiana. So without futher ado. Here we are. The Millers.

Too many photos of Adam and I? Whoops... but I couldn't just pick a few. I loved them all. If you are looking for a good photographer in Utah I would recommend J&H Photography. They are a darling couple and they have a good eye for what will look good. Plus, they shoot everything together which I thought was the cutest.
You can tell just how long I have been holding onto these based on the scenery... clearly it is no longer fall season. Whoops. I am slightly embarrassed. But as I am looking to schedule our two year anniversary photos I figure it is time to dust these babies off. Also it is an opportunity for me to just look bad and reminisce on how far we have come before we celebrate two years in a couple weeks. New jobs. New homes. New adventures... But I won't tell you all of that yet. That is to be saved for a future post. How often do you take new family photos? Do you like to post your family shots around the house or what do you use them for?