Lipstick Collection
It is no surprise how much I love lipstick. I have created quite the collection over the last couple months too. Red lipstick. Pink lipstick. Peach lipstick. Nude lipstick. When I name off lipstick shade I feel like I am in Dr. Suess. One stick. Two stick. Red stick. Nude stick. I have even branched out to get some purple lipstick... well not super purple, but it definitely has a hint of it. In fact, one of the girls I teach for Sunday School (she's only 7...) looked at me the other day and said, "Why are your lips purple?" But she is also the girl that told me I look pregnant in the outfit below... so I don't really listen to her anymore.
Okay, sorry. I digress. Lipstick. I LOVE it. And I will continue growing my collection because it is like a sickness. I love mixing and matching my colors. I love blending them together to find the perfect shade for the day. You can see some of my favorite colors for the season here. But most recently I have fallen in love with matching my lips to my outfit. To really make my outfits pop. So here is a little red on red.

Skirt: Downeast Basics (similar)
See what I mean? At first I was feeling like this look was a little overwhelming... but now I am totally loving it! It really gives the colors in my outfits a chance to be the star. Rather than falling two second place because I had a great patterned top or rockin' high heels. I also get a lot more compliments on my lips lately since I have been matching it to an element in my outfit. You can check out all of my lipstick to outfit tips over at I'm Topsy Turvy today! There are little tips and tricks that I have picked up to really make the matching work and not overwhelm. What is your favorite lipstick shade? Do you ever match your clothes to your nail polish or lips?