Next Chapter
Things just got real. This is the last of my outfits from Utah. Weird. I never ever ever ever ever thought about what if would feel like when I left Utah. And left that chapter of my life. A lot of amazing things happened in Provo. I made some of my best friends. Memories that will last forever. I felt heartache. I felt a lot of joy. I accepted defeat. I learned what it meant to fail. I found out it is okay to say no and that I don't have to be the best. I found my path. I achieved more than I could have ever hoped. I met my husband. I got married. The best moments of my life so far. And now it is all packed up and shipped out. The beauty of Provo, Utah? Everyone is in the same chapter. Going to school or recently graduated and starting out their career. No kids or just a little baby. We are all starving students just trying to start out. I loved that. I loved having so much to relate to with everyone around me. And it didn't really set in that we aren't going back until this very moment... as I right this post. But now we have a lot to look forward to. Making new friends. Meeting new people. Being thrown into a whole new world. And I am excited.

Top: c/o ToAdorn || This is my second post featuring ToAdorn items. I have been LIVING in this top. I've worn it at least four times in the last two weeks. It is so comfortable. Great material. And it goes with jeans, leggings, and skirts - that is right I have worn it with all three at least once. You can get 10% off your order with the code "Ilovetoadorn". Watch for more from them in the future. I am loving their product.
Ring: c/o BornPretty || A Great site for discount jewelry. I recently ordered a handful of items and my total didn't go over $10. This ring is great because it is adjustable, so I didn't have to stress about ordering the right size. It adds the perfect girly flare to my outfits. I also got a few other items that will be showing up in Arizona this week and on the blog soon! You can get 10% off your order with the code "DMT10".
Leggings: Calvin Klein from Macys || Necklace: Coldwater Creek || Bracelet: Groopdealz || Shoes: Jessica Simpson from TJMaxx
Ring: c/o BornPretty || A Great site for discount jewelry. I recently ordered a handful of items and my total didn't go over $10. This ring is great because it is adjustable, so I didn't have to stress about ordering the right size. It adds the perfect girly flare to my outfits. I also got a few other items that will be showing up in Arizona this week and on the blog soon! You can get 10% off your order with the code "DMT10".