Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 17
Katie from Chalk It Up To Better Luck has been a reader and a friend over the last few months. I have enjoyed getting to know her through comments and emails. And I am thrilled to have her on Fashion Fits Everyone today. Take it away girlfriend!
Once upon a time, I was engaged. A handsome man I thought was way out of my league fell in love with me and I felt like I held the world on a string. He gave me that sense of self worth and made me feel like I was beautiful. One day, he fell out of love with me and I no longer had the confidence that I had when I was with him. In fact, I felt worthless. In all that drowning in self pitty, I found some solace in retail therapy. I bought a pair of red high heels, I put on some lipstick, and I actually felt confident when I saw the girl in the mirror staring back at me. I realized that I could give another person the power to decide how I would feel that day. I started to experiment and dress bold. I wore colored tights, dresses, and high heels to work every day. I painted my lips red and smiled in the mirror and eventually that suddenly beautiful girl I saw on the outside was what I felt like on the inside.
I learned that I had to create my own happiness, I couldn't let someone else control it. Amazingly enough seeing myself as beautiful all on my own completely changed my life. It completely changed me. I hope that all women know how important it is to love yourself even when it isn't so easy.
I am small. I've always been small. I'm 5' 3" and 105 lbs. Because I'm short I like to wear heels a lot. Lately, I've invested in more expensive ones so that they don't all have to be considered "sit down" shoes. I like to wear clothes the exentuate my curves because, well, I dont' have any. I've learned that wearing clothes that make my small frame look strong and confident instead of tiny and frail are the best things to wear.

Everyone deserves to feel beautiful. Everyone deserves to put on the perfect pair of jeans and think to themselves, "I really look great in these" It doesn't matter what size you wear or what anyone thinks of you. Fashion really is for everyone.