Pageant Bling
Okay. It is my third and final, let us all she a tear, installment of Ashley Eliza Photography. We had double lockets. We had the floral discount. And now we have my fave, the military vest, with all the bling a pageant girl could ever desire. Don't forget to enter the giveaway over at The Wedding & Company for your own shoot with Miss Ashley! I promise you will not regret it because she is absolutely awesome.
Okay. So this vest. Why do I love this vest? Because it takes the military from my fall wish list and combines it with my inner pageant girl with jewels. So now let us talk about pageants. I need to tell you all about something really impulsive and crazy that I did. I have been having pageant withdrawals. I really miss competing and wearing a crown. Silly, I know. I always competed in the Miss America Organization, but did you know there are pageants for Mrs.!? Mrs. America. Mrs. United States. Mrs. American International. Well... I started looking around for how to compete at a Mrs. pageant. Am I crazy? Not yet. And then, as I am looking I see that for Mrs. Utah International it is an application process, because they don't have a local state director. So I applied. Am I crazy? Yep. In my mind, the worst that could happen is they tell me no. So I filled out my application and sent it in with a head shot. Two days later I had an interview over the phone.
Now about a month later I got an email that reads, "I wanted to reach out to you and make sure you were still interested in the title of Mrs. Utah International 2014? We have narrowed our delegate down to 3 and you are in the top 3. Before we go any further I am check in with you to confirm your interest." ....... I don't really know what to say now. So I haven't responded back...
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