Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 12
Today I have Brandi from Run Style Run.
A happy lady from Idaho striving to be grateful for the
small things in life and live every moment for what it's worth.
I am so excited to be guest blogging here on Love, The Skinnies. I love this series "fashion fits everyone." Society makes us all believe that you're only fashionable if you are 6 feet tall and a size 0. But in reality, most of us fit in the average category. Doesn't mean we can't be fashionable which is why I love blogging so much. You meet real women in real sizes who have their own style! I find so much inspiration through blogs and instagram photos of real life women who I can relate to and I love it much more than a runway show.
I have always been a shopping lover all growing up. I love buying a new pair of shoes or the first time I get to wear a new top. I of course, live on a small budget so a handful of years ago I started rummaging through thrift store racks. I started discovering items that cost an insane amount retail price, people complimenting items that I had spent $2-$5 on, and I found myself competely hooked! Now 80% of my wardrobe is second hand. Not only do I love that I am recycling but a lot of thrift stores give back to the community in some way. I donate and buy which makes me feel like I'm helping the world in a small way. If you've never thrifted before or think you never find anything. Try again. Have pacience, have a list of items you may want to look for. It is totally fun, like treasures hunting, and so worth it!
As for finding what works for my body type, I feel like it's a constant learning experience. Sometimes I have worn things and later wondered what I was thinking. I have found a pattern in things that I don't get tired of. That would be a white tee, jeans, and leather boots/shoes. I have worn and loved these items for years. I never regret buying them. They can be worn over and over and half the time no one would notice. You can switch them up by wearing a sweater, jacket, or fun accessories like a scarf or layering necklaces. A trend that has never changed. Really... NEVER changed. I love that.

If I were to define my style I would definitely say it is more eclectic than anything. It can range from boho to preppy, grunge to simple simple. Currently I am crushing on oversized tees, maxi skirts, beanies and wool hats, fun boho tops, ankle boots, large scarves, military jackets, overalls, large carry all bags, layering necklaces, button-ups, and destroyed denim. Besides thrift stores, I love Anthropologie and will invest in a few items from there every so often as well as Madewell and Free People. I also love searching for specific items online. I never pay full price for anything though. If I find something I like, I will find it in the cheapest price possible. I search ebay and dig through racks at thrift stores. You would be amazed at the things I have patiently waited to buy and found treasure hunting! When looking for inspiration, I love re-creating outfits I see with pieces in my own wardrobe! I do try to have my own style, use my own creativity, and wear what I like. I admire anyone with their own sense of personal style. I want people to see that I am comfortable in my skin, comfortable with having my own style, and hope to inspire them to feel the same inside.