These past few months have been absolutely jammed pack with crazy.
It seems like everything and anything that could happen did.
Life has been quite the adventure.
And here is a bit of what I've been up to through the eyes of Instagram.
You can follow along by following @lovetheskinnys. Enjoy.
1. My baby niece Samantha was born \\ 2. MRI time which leads to lots of physical therapy \\ 3. OCTOBER! The best month of all months
4. Birthday pie & ballerina candles \\ 5. Getting Adam all caught up on PLL with Sprinkles \\ 6. Three years running as the BYU barbeque Poster girl
7. Adam and I off to MGMT - his first concert ever \\ 8. Sephora birthday gift... you can tell I am pumped \\ 9. Our first Saturday with Adam home
10. Thriller tickets because I was so excited \\ 11. After thriller & after dodging scary lobby zombies \\ 12. Judging Miss Kaysville\Fruit Heights with Adam