Need some ideas for all the dress up parties that are coming at you over the next 7 days? Don't worry. My and my girls have got you covered with outfits of old and what we are looking forward to being this year! Meet the crew.
And their alter-costumed-egos.
Life With Amberly and Joe - "This is the costume that I'm most proud of! I was a starving college student so I had to be creative and resourceful. I was a devil! We are lame and don't dress up. I love to dress up, but my husband doesn't and Halloween is his birthday so we usually celebrate that instead. Our first Halloween together, we'd just started dating and we went to a party together a couple of days before the actual holiday. I dressed as a fairy, and because Joe didn't have or want a costume, I wrote 'Muggle' on a piece of paper and we hung it around his neck with a string. When we have kids, I'm sure it will be a different story because we will dress them up and I won't be able to resist dressing up to take them trick-or-treating. Maybe even making our costumes coordinate."
Chevron and Lace - "I have NO idea what our family is going to do for Halloween, but I do have a photo of one of my all-time favorite costumes. DUCT TAPE WOMAN!" Side note: Susan might not know what they are being but she has the CUTEST child's fox costume for sale in her shop. Obsessed.
Oh, Just Living the Dream - "One year I was Shirley Temple - check out that photo! I am planning on dressing up as a cat for Halloween this year! I am a schoolteacher so I will be with my students all day on Halloween, but in the afternoon I will be taking my little sister in law trick or treating and playing fun Halloween games and watching Hocus Pocus, of course! Happy Halloween!"
A Little Too Jolley - "I went as a ceiling fan to a trunk or treat because I didn't have a costume. Haha! I really want to be a princess this year, who doesn't? I know we are going to Frightmares at Lagoon in Utah this year sometime in October, but as for Halloween night, probably escorting my little brothers around the neighborhood for candy!"
And as for Adam and myself.... we were a deer and a hunter. Because. That seemed like a fun idea. Actually. We debated a lot because it was our first time dressing up together. So we now have ideas for the next fifty years of costumes probs. But this one stems from Pinterest, and I am pretty darn proud of how it turned out!
But I am allllll about the Halloween costumes. You can check out some of my oldies (but goodies) over here. So if you didn't already have an idea, hopefully we gave you some ideas to run with. What are your Halloween plans? What are you dressing up as this year?
PS. CONGRATULATIONS TO KAYCIE EDDIE! You won a free teeth whitening from Marz Ortho.
Email me at lovetheskinnys [at] gmail [dot] com to claim your prize!
Email me at lovetheskinnys [at] gmail [dot] com to claim your prize!