Fashion Fits Everyone brings you the sweetest girl today.
She is fabulous and stunning.
I truly truly believe that beauty comes from the inside out. Sure, there are some very beautiful people out there... But if they are rude, selfish, snobby, etc, it TOTALLY makes them not beautiful anymore, no matter how pretty they are on the outside! I believe in being nice to everyone, since you never know what another is going through. With fashion, I believe in staying true to yourself. If you wear clothes that you love and feel comfortable in, then that's awesome (although, I always believe that dressing tasteful and classy is true fashion-- none of the Snooki business!). When beauty shining inside out goes hand in hand with fashion you are comfortable in, THAT is when confidence comes in! Knowing that you are doing your best to be a good person, and feel comfortable with who you are, your confidence will peak!
My body type is a very strange one! I'm very short (5'1"), and I have very skinny arms.. however, my chest, tummy, and legs definitely have some curve to them. I'll be honest, it makes it SO HARD to find clothes that fit!! Everything is always too big and baggy in the arms, and length-wise, everything is always too long. The number one thing I have done to fix this is to learn how to sew. It's such a miracle!! I have taken in so many shirts, shortened the length, and taken in the arms. I heard a saying once that when buying clothes, buy the size that fits your widest part the best, then tailor the rest of the garment to make it fit everywhere else. That is what I have done, and it's been amazing! For my body type, I think that pencil skirts look really good. I love pairing a flowy top with a tighter pencil skirt, since that gives me breathing room for my tummy and chest up top, but doesn't make me look frumpy when a pencil skirt is on the bottom. It's definitely been a journey to get to know my body, and how to clothe it!

I believe that "Fashion Fits Everyone".. because I don't believe in fashion itself! I have a strong belief in "personal style", but not "fashion". What the heck is fashion, anyways? Does it mean wearing what the models on the runway at New York Fashion Week wear? Because, uhmm... I would NEVER wear a lot of the outfits I see there!! Yikes! Does it mean wearing exactly what is on the store mannequins, or in catalogs? Uhmm.. boring!! I think that if you are true to yourself, and wear what you feel best in, that is PERFECT. Be you! Have fun! Don't be a clone. :)