
Oh Stockton.... how dear a place you now hold in my heart. It was quite the weekend, that was sadly cut short, with the baseball wives and our team. About 22 hours in the car, a few delicious meals by Madi's mom, three baseball games, and a slurpee later - here I am living to tell the tale of the #WCCRoadtrip. Epic.
Wednesday night I made Madi stay up until about midnight doing my hair. More on the hair change later. But let me tell you this... big mistake. We were zombies the next day. Our plan to leave at 6 AM quickly changes to a plan to leave at 7 AM. And then we finally got out the door at 7:30 AM - and by door I mean out of town and on the road. Siri took us a strange backroad which was incredibly bizarre and I will never listen to her again. Then finally we were on the real road and on our way to Nor-Cal. Let me tell you this, the things girls can thing of to talk about in the car are entertaining... over the 22 hours in the car we talked about everything from kitchen appliances and midgets to baby names and worst dates. Driving, driving, driving - a tank or two of gas and then we are finally at the Hoag's! Madi's mom had a room for each of us and a homecooked dinner all ready for our arrival. A quick break, some delicious food, and back in the car to head to game 1 for BYU. After a lot of cheering it was a heart breaker. We lost 9-8 in the 10th inning and entered the loser's bracket. Back to the car for an hour drive back to Roseville.

After a good night's rest - seriously so good that we all slept through a minor earthquake - we woke up to donuts. Then getting ready and back to Stockton for more baseball. First game against Gonzaga was a huge success.... meaning we won. And we knocked out the number one seed. And we were still in it! Oh... and I got asked slash was persuaded by my cohorts to sing "Take Me Out" during the 7th inning stretch. Obvs I was so down for the cause and also... don't you worry. Here is a video of it!
A win under out belts. Some time with our husbands in between games. A little Popeye's chicken. Then back to the field. Adam was pitching this game! He did so great. A game full of fast balls and sliders with a few change ups mixed in. Everytime he went on the field we yelled, "It's MILLER TIME!" And I am fairly sure, we all lost our voices that game. But at the end of it... Sadly... it was a loss this time. And we were eliminated. And just like that... the season ended. But also our fingers were crossed for a regional (which also didn't happen.. so the season really is done) and we were back to the hotel to figure out flight plans.
The next morning our husbands would head out at 5 AM. Madi's husband got to stay since his family was there so the other wives and I decided to rent a car, per our husbands request, and head back a day earlier than planned. They said it was worth it to spend more money if we were home with them. So we stayed up until about 4 AM. Went to bed. Got up at about 8:30 AM. And hit the road for Utah. Proud of our guys. So happy for a wonderful season. And even more happy to spend time with three wonderful woman becoming closer than before. All that plus a big black guy asking if he could come where we were going, a story about the mafia, and lots of laughs between four baseball wives. See why Scary Stockton has a special place now? Good memories and great people.
