Let's Talk Vlog || Movies
Hey everyone! Welcome to the Let's Talk Vlog series that I am so lucky to co-host this week! Hayley of Hayley's World and Maribel of Stroller Adventures were kind enough to let me join in the fun and let me pick the topic! We're all happy to have you joining in the fun! Please link up your posts at the bottom and make sure to check out the other videos, make some friends, leave them a nice comment so they know you were there.
Please place the Let's Talk button in your post too!
We would love everyone to make a vlog but if you are still a little shy about it will still want you to link up your blog post with your answers to the questions. :)
In case you missed the last post with the tpoic/questions here they are.
Please place the Let's Talk button in your post too!

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.hayleysworld.com" title="Hayley's World"><img src="http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh555/_HayleysWorld/LetsTalkButtoncopy_zps923c1bd2.jpg" alt="Hayley's World" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
We would love everyone to make a vlog but if you are still a little shy about it will still want you to link up your blog post with your answers to the questions. :)
In case you missed the last post with the tpoic/questions here they are.
Favorite all time movie.
Favorite genre of movies.
Funniest movie ever.
One you could watch over and over again.
Favorite actor/actress.
Celebrity doppleganger.
Favorite all time movie.
Favorite genre of movies.
Funniest movie ever.
One you could watch over and over again.
Favorite actor/actress.
Celebrity doppleganger.
Without further ado. Here is my vlog!
Again. A huge thanks to the two women that host this vlog linkup. Can't wait to hear all about your movie habits. Also.. if you can think of a doppleganger for me, send it my way!