Dear Weekenders,
Friday. Friday. Getting down on FRIDAY. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend. You know that, right? Or you have been living under a rock maybs? I don't know. Either way. It is HERE! The weekend is FINALLY here!!! And for all of us without Fall break, the weekend is the best time. So let's get to it weekenders!
Not really rules... because who follows rules on the weekend?!
Post a photo from last weekend [if you have one].
Tell us what you are looking forward to this weekend.
Grab a button for your blog.
Link up.
Celebrate in everyone's weekend plans!
Remember how I mentioned a birthday redo? Well Adam outdid himself! This was the end of our evening. He sent me to our room while he "set up"... And then I came out to streamers, flowers, a cake with candles, and a little song. More on that later... but the birthday redo and my sweet husband was the highlight of last weekend for sure!
This weekend... that is all I can say about this weekend. We have a lot of things we want to do... but who knows what will actually happen. With no baseball or home football games the world is our oyster! Our plans are as follows...
- Cornbelly's Corn Maze with The Dennis (the same Drew and Madison that we spend about 50% of every single weekend with) and Brugmans.. or as we like to call them, our favorite baseball couples.
- Saturday will start with a bountiful basket! Which we haven't ordered for two weeks so we are really excited for fresh fruits and vegetables.
- We will probably take a few minutes to watch the BYU vs Notre Dame game... until we are so sad that we are losing that we go take a nap.
- Plans to head up to the big city of Salt Lake for a little shopping and maybe I can trick Skinny into taking me to the Thriller show.
- And then last of all... Adam things we are going to a haunted house. And I think we are doing crafts or making a music video or taking fall photos. I need a little Halloween festivity since I left all my decorations in Idaho!
Keep this little diddy on replay. The radios here have been playing it again and now I cannot get it off my mind to save my life. It is the official weekend song.
Grab the button and link up!
Now go on. Have a WICKED weekend.