Dear Versatile Blogger,
Winning awards is the best! And today Brittney over at The Sweet Life nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. And now I really feel like I am moving up in this crazy world of blogging. Two awards and finally broke 100 followers. I am on my way! MOVING ON UP!
1. Nominate up to 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.
1. My husband has ten siblings and twenty five nieces and nephews. I have three siblings and six nieces and nephews. Together we have a LOT of family.
2. I met Arnold Schwarzenegger at an ice skating rink in Sun Valley, Idaho.
3. My family moved four different times within the same two neighborhoods while I was growing up.
4. Once upon a time I ran for student body vice president at BYU... and lost. Second place was actually pretty exciting though. And my campaign posters were a huge hit.
5. At my senior recital I held the roll of Bert in Mary Poppins. STEP IN TIME!
6. My favorite snack is popcorn.
7. And I can play one song on the piano... "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid.
Just a Dash of Keena
Janette the Jongleur
That's Just Lovely
Sincerely Arizona
The TT diaries
Life Unsweetened
Manscape Monday
The Fashion Nerd
Just Two in Love
A Muse in Purple
Wives, M.D.
K & R
Janette the Jongleur
That's Just Lovely
Sincerely Arizona
The TT diaries
Life Unsweetened
Manscape Monday
The Fashion Nerd
Just Two in Love
A Muse in Purple
Wives, M.D.
K & R
Stop by and see those gems. Show them some love. And... actually. Show me some love too. Kidding. Not kidding. Thanks.