Dear Sisters In The City... Part 1,

OKAY EVERYONE!! I am married. And I am off celebrating in Utah, Idaho, California, and MEXICO! So while I am out you can expect short short blog (or tons of photos on Instagram: deejmbl) updates from me... from my phone, with awesome iPhone photos. But you can also except TONS of guest posts over the next week and half. Starting today!

Alright. Remember how I do pageants? And it is sort of an addiction? Well let me introduce you to my VERY first state pageant roommate. Allison. She is hilarious, can slay dragons, and has a new blog with her sister in law sharing about life back East and all their fashion. She is a babe and you can sometimes catch her as an extra in movies. Take a look below for more Allison.

necklace: Rusted Pearl, banana republic, (similar) / shirt: jcrew/ skirt: LOFT, (similar) / shoes: (similar) / glasses: (similar) / purse: Old Navy, (similar)

Hello loyal readers of Ms. Edmunds, or should I say Mrs. Miller? I was so happy when Deidre asked me to be a guest blogger for her while she is enjoying all of her newlywed bliss. Deidre and I go way back, to our days as Miss Idaho roomies. Let's just say that we instantly hit it off and bonded over this little gem.

Now a little bit about me, my blog, and my outfit in the pictures above. I'm a 25 year old grad student with a hubby in Med school trying to navigate our hectic lives. Truth be told, I wear scrubs more than any other outfit but when I get the chance, I love to get dressed up and go out to explore all that Philly has to offer. My sister-in-law Corbynn and I started a fashion blog to chronicle our adventures and outfits in the big city of Philadelphia. We think this city is the absolute best. It has the best sports, best food, best cute little historical sites-- all around it is such a wonderful place to live. If you want to see more outfits and more of our life in the big city come on over to
Now about the look I'm wearing. The star of this outfit, in my opinion, is the big statement necklace. I love pairing a bold piece of jewelry with simple neutrals. This necklace is courtesy of two lovely ladies that use vintage bits and bobs to make custom, one of a kind statement necklaces. You can find them here. I love how every single one is unique. I received this one as a gift at my bridal shower so it has a special place in my heart.


What did I tell ya? Babe, right? Don't forget to swing by their blog for more fashion and check back later for Corbynn's guest post!
