Dear Insta-tues,
Welcome to my insta-life and how I am living according to my iPhone, aka instagram: deejmbl. And when I say how I am living I mean only the funny and exciting things, because why would I ever take photos of my watching Wimbledon and The Office for hours?

1. A car going nowhere fast.
2. Flowers from Adam.
3. The Alpine fire over an hour outside my work window.
4. Noah and Grandpa hanging out.
5. Mike and Ike broke up.
6. Red Robin.... yummm.
7. Assembling announcements.
8. Mexican dinner I made for Adam.
8. Orem Owlz game.
9. Yogurtland with old friends.
10. Announcements ready to mail.
11. Adam the accordian player.
My life seems pretty.... bizarre, right? Oh... and remember my summer list? It is making my summer that much more exciting.