Dear Thriller,

I have never missed dancing as much as I did when I was sitting in the audience. For Michelle's birthday gift I took her to Thriller. I had never seen it and Michelle hadn't seen it for a very long time. For the last year we have been talking about how we need to go see it. So I took her as a surprise. It was funny driving there and she would ask where we were going, walking into the Covey Center and she was just confused, and then I gave her the ticket. Surprise successful. We climbed up to the balcony to watch the show.

The show was so great with every style of dance. Hip hop, ballet, jazz, tap, Irish dancing, partner dancing, step dancing... everything. I would have to say my favorite dance was the Children of the Corn dance. The show overall was entertaining and it was a great way to spend my afternoon with Michelle.

I miss dance.

Deidre Edmunds1 Comment