Dear October,
I thought I should let you know, you are my favorite month. So many good things have already come to pass thanks to you. October, here are the top 10 reasons why you are the best.
1. Conference. I love conference. I love the prophet. I love the apostles. I love the recharge and spiritual boost. I love everything about it. Conference is amazing. (Blog post to come specifically about this event.)

I thought I should let you know, you are my favorite month. So many good things have already come to pass thanks to you. October, here are the top 10 reasons why you are the best.
1. Conference. I love conference. I love the prophet. I love the apostles. I love the recharge and spiritual boost. I love everything about it. Conference is amazing. (Blog post to come specifically about this event.)
2. I can wear boots whenever I want. Cute boots, rain boots, riding boots, warm boots. Boots like these.
3. The weather is just right where I can wear a t-shirt in the day and a jacket at night.
4. Halloween is at the end of the month. Which means I can not only buy mini-size candy bars in an assortment of flavors but I can also dress up in a costume multiple times for different parties and gatherings and not be judged.
5. Pumpkins. What else do I need to say? Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin seeds... the list goes on and on. And I am so happy the PUMPKIN SHORTAGE IS OVER!
6. Candy corn. Enough said.
7. Everything starts to turn into these really gorgeous burnt orange, deep red, and goldenrod colors. Everywhere. The scenery is beautiful.
8. It is cardigan weather. Anyone who knows me knows I love a good cardigan. In fact, this year I for four new ones. A yellow one with grey trim, a blue and cream stripped one, a golden rod one with cute flower additions, and a grey one with scrunches sleeves and pockets.
(here I am just singing while wearing my cardigan.... nbd)
9. It is the mark of midterms and half a semester done. Once October is done there are just a few weeks until Thanksgiving then a few more weeks to finals and then end of the semester. October marks the beginning of the end.
10. The final and best part of October. It is my BIRTH month. Which gives me a reason to ask people to take care of me all month long. (Blog post of my birthday celebrations to come as well.)
So thanks October, for being the best month around.