Dear Devotional,
It was so great to hear from another apostle this week. Starting off the week with Elder Holland, President Packer, and Elder Scott and then today hearing from Elder Hales. It was just the spiritual push I needed. Elder Hales had a lot of good things to say.
He talked about how Heavenly Father has a path for each and every single on of us. I need to use my agency to stay on that path. I need to seek a companion that can help me stay on that path, seek a career to help me stay on that path, and make the right choices that will help my future become bright. Depending on how I use my agency now my future agency can grow grow or diminish. I need to strive to make right choices for the right reasons. My favorite thing he said was "Opposition is NEEDED for growth in this life. The blessings come after tests and trials and how I handle them." I will be tested to my limit but not beyond what I can endure. These tests are to help me accomplish what He needs of me. Elder Holland also talked about how sometimes people say to "Get a life," to which he responds, "Get an ETERNAL life."
It was so great to hear from another apostle this week. Starting off the week with Elder Holland, President Packer, and Elder Scott and then today hearing from Elder Hales. It was just the spiritual push I needed. Elder Hales had a lot of good things to say.