Dear For Good,
Well. This last few week has been an emotional roller coaster to say the least. Someone close and special to me passed away. You can read about his accident here, here, or here. Robison Sundell was such a great example in my life. I honestly can not think of a sad or dull moment since I met him. Memories like New Student Orientation and the creation of the super group with our cohorts Cassidy Berghoff and Blake Behnke, long afro-curly hair, well kept mustaches, random conversations, laughter, sardines in the library, hospital food, Indian food, and lots of other meals with Robi. He is the perfect example of someone who loved life, lived in the moment, and served with all his heart. When I found out about his accident a week ago I kept telling myself, he will be okay. Things will work out. People have been injured like this before and they have pulled through. I was physically sick to my stomach and tears poured from my eyes. They said he wasn't going to make it, for sure. They waited until the next day to take him off the respirators so his whole family could come say their goodbyes. Friday night there was a celebration of Robi's life at the Armada. So many friends gathered, you could tell that Robi touched just about all he met. "The Armada bids a safe voyage to our Captain Robison Sundell"... His memorial was last night, and his funeral was today. I had been praying to the Lord asking him for strength and I received that strength last night. The words were so comforting. I am so thankful for the speakers and their inspired messages. I know that Heavenly Father is watching over me, and he knew what I needed to hear during this time. I am so thankful for a gospel that teaches the plan of happiness and salvation. I can look forward to a day when I will be with my family and friends again, Robi included. The atonement is so important at this time. I have faith that it is a true principle, and that Jesus Christ went through that for each and every one of us. He knew that it would be needed throughout all our lives, and I am reminded right now of why I need it. The Lord knows what I need, and this trial is something to build my faith, I am sure of it. It has changed me in a way no other experience could. From Robi's death I have learned that I need to live in the moment. Live my life to the fullest. I can't look at tomorrow and I can't look at yesterday. I need to look at now. President Monson said "And so I ask, 'What are we doing with today?' If we live only for tomorrow, we'll have a lot of empty yesterdays today. Have we been guilty of declaring, 'I've been thinking about making some course corrections in my life. I plan to take the first step — tomorrow'? With such thinking, tomorrow is forever. Such tomorrows rarely come unless we do something about them today." Robi would always say similar things to me. I like to stay busy with school, work, and whatever else I can get my hands on. Robi would always say, "Deidre... stop being busy! Things are so much more fun when you can actually come play." He is right, I need to stop worrying about what I can do it be better tomorrow, but what I can do to be the best today. That is a lesson I have learned from Robi, and I have been needing to learn forever.
Dear Robi,
I just want to say that you have meant a lot more to me than I could ever imagine. I am so thankful for your friendship in times when I probably didn't deserve it. You are everything that should be good in a person; service, love, compassion, laughter, random moments, loyal, true, loving the Lord, loving the gospel, and so much more. You have shown me an honest person from the first time I met you, and I appreciate that more than you can ever know. I have never had a more loyal and helpful friend in my life, and there are so many times I took that for granted. There are so many good memories I have shared with you, and I am thankful for that first day when you invited me out of the mud to come sit on the hill by you. Thank you for always inviting me out to get away from my busy life, thank you for always talking to me when I was sad, and thank you for encouraging to live life, every single day, to the fullest. You are a friend I will never forget, and I know that because of you I will be a better person. You are like sunshine in my life, always happy and never a dull moment. Thank you for your friendship. You have made me the best Deidre I can be. And I will never forget that about you. I will always love you and keep a special spot for you in my life.
Love, Deidre
I just want to say that you have meant a lot more to me than I could ever imagine. I am so thankful for your friendship in times when I probably didn't deserve it. You are everything that should be good in a person; service, love, compassion, laughter, random moments, loyal, true, loving the Lord, loving the gospel, and so much more. You have shown me an honest person from the first time I met you, and I appreciate that more than you can ever know. I have never had a more loyal and helpful friend in my life, and there are so many times I took that for granted. There are so many good memories I have shared with you, and I am thankful for that first day when you invited me out of the mud to come sit on the hill by you. Thank you for always inviting me out to get away from my busy life, thank you for always talking to me when I was sad, and thank you for encouraging to live life, every single day, to the fullest. You are a friend I will never forget, and I know that because of you I will be a better person. You are like sunshine in my life, always happy and never a dull moment. Thank you for your friendship. You have made me the best Deidre I can be. And I will never forget that about you. I will always love you and keep a special spot for you in my life.
Love, Deidre