Deidre Miller

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Blogging Essentials Giveaway || Part 2

We've given you loves the opportunity to win a stellar camera, now, which is pretty much one of the biggest essentials to blogging if not the biggest, so now we decided you all needed a chance to win money for some styling new drags to take pictures OF with that stellar camera. Now, we all know that new clothes isn't a necessity when it comes to being a style blogger, but it certainly doesn't hurt. ;) Remember to complete as many (or all) of the entries as possible to increase your chances of winning! Good luck!

Life of a Coy Fish
Auteur Ariel |  Hunters of Happiness |  Janelle in Real Life |  A Beautiful Life |  The Freckled Fox

Haircut and General Attitude |  Kiss Me Darling |  Fashions by Mariah |  Fredrongo |  The Style Record

The Red Closet Diary |  Love, Lo |  Rachel Sayumi |  The Glittering Life |  Wild One Forever

Simply Just Lovely |  Raspberry Glow |  Kelsey Bang |  Fashions on the Fly |  Love, The Skinnys

Jody Beth |  Love Me, Dani Marie |  Clad&Cloth |  The Vintage Twins |  Polish and Pipsqueaks
Kelli France  |  Perfection Possibilities  |  Lipstick, Heels, & a Baby

These are the only rules for the giveaway, if you want to include them in the post but they're also already placed in the Terms & Conditions of the rafflecopter widget. Rule 1: Giveaway will run for one week and the winner will be anounced on Thursday March 6th. Rule 2: Open to U.S. participants only Rule 3: The winner's entries will be verified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway