Deidre Miller

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Holding Onto Summer || Giveaway

It finally happened. The temperature finally dropped.

I will be the first person to say I am excited for fall clothing. For boots and sweaters. For fall eats. For soup and hot chocolate. For fall weather. For the leaves to change. For all those good things. For all those good things that make fall my favorite season. But I am also not ready to let summer go. Maybe it is because I am a grown up now and I don't actually get summer. Want to hear something so sad? I went swimming.... never this summer. What the what? A whole summer without swimming. That is just depressing. It comes with the grown up territory. I work all day every day. And even if I wanted to go swimming on the weekend, summer has officially become Adam's working season as a baseball player. So I had no one to swim with. All around fail.

And I was especially excited for summer because I got these cute beach pants from Kensie Clothing. I thought maybe they would make a good swim cover for a hotel swim when I visited Adam? But hotel swims never happened because minor league games last one billion hours. And the time I did make it to Idaho to see my family, there was no pool time. Fail and fail.

So you better believe I am holding onto summer. For one more chance to wear these beach pants. Even if it is to a swimming pool. I guess we always have indoor pools, right?

Indoor pool, beach, lake, shark floatie, outdoor pool... anyway you want it... These Beach Pants from Kensie Clothing are SO comfy. I love the fun styling. Strips and a bold print. What a perfect way to make a fashion statement before you go swimming.

Kensie is a clothing company for fashionable young women which takes current runway trends and makes them ready to wear! They are a globally recognized brand name that offers international styling. I love the fact they are international, because so often there are online companies that stick to just the states or just Europe. The company is easy to work with and they ship items within a week. Don't worry, they carry a lot more than beach pants. They have dresses, accessories, pillows, cosmetics... basically everything! You can read more product reviews on their site. And today one lucky winner gets to pick out any Kensie product they want!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S. Don't forget to enter for the Relax Missy Flats or $200 to Lands' End!
Both giveaways end in the next 24 hours!