Deidre Miller

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Splurge and Save || Outfit 5

Splurge and Save || Leather Bomber Jacket

Splurge and Save || Leather Bomber Jacket by lovetheskinnys featuring leopard flats

The hometown summer excitement is starting to wear off which can only mean one thing. It is road trip time. When I roadtrip I like to pack light. Jeans that I can wear two days in a row and shoes that go with everything. This look does wonders for the "lets hit the road and look fabulous doing it". My leather jacket is a summer go to. The cheetah flats are a neutral. Just pack a few different tops and belts and any summer road trip becomes your oyster. Head over to my  Polyvore profile for details on where to get these items.

*All outfits are built on Styling is built to suite my personal taste and dress standards.*