Deidre Miller

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Meet The Bradleys || Guest Post

 Hello everyone! 
I'm Elizabeth from   The Bradleys
I'm so grateful for the chance to be able to share a wee bit about our family with you!
A few months ago, we moved from Scotland back to humid, beautiful Thailand, where we lived for two years prior to moving to the UK. Since we've been back, we've had a 'fun' time readjusting to life in a new house and in a new part of the island. Our old home here was full of memories and, although not the most aesthetic of places, had many more amenities than our current temporary home. We've been battling ants incessantly, and I think we may have momentarily won!

Family and community are two of the things my husband and I cherish. We're craving finding a supportive place to settle down in. We just aren't too sure where that will be. Our close friends and family are dispersed around the world, which is lovely on the one hand but difficult when it comes to deciding where to be based. My husband and I both work at home ( I love being a stay at home mom!!) so can live anywhere that has good wifi. And is affordable, safe, etc. Although I know moving internationally isn't the most common thing, it's certainly becoming more and more common given the global economy as well as new job opportunities popping up worldwide, which is how we ended up moving to Asia to begin with: my husband became a teacher in South Korea.
I'm not the best homemaker in the world, and part of the reason I started our blog is to document my personal journeys as a holistic homemaker-someone with little experience in homesteading in general but that has a passion for good food, wholesome food. Our society tends to diminish the importance of the home and family in general and my husband and I are hoping to change the impression some of our peers and neighbors have on how success is achieved outside of the home in lieu of how important raising a family can be. To help new Moms struggling with the journey or transitioning from working outside of the home to being homebased, I'm getting certified as a Holistic Life coach and Natural Mama consultant.

I would love to get to know you better! You can subscribe to our blog via Bloglovin and follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, where I take photos of our travels and home life.