Deidre Miller

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The Smile Chronicles || Volume 3

Amberly -  blog ||  twitter
Amberly of Life with Amberly and Joe.

"There's not a lot to say about the picture. 
It had been a good productive day, the sun was shining, 
the weather was beautiful and I was having a good hair/makeup/outfit day.
 Life was just good and there was nothing to do but smile!"

“Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
 ― Dr. Seuss

Want to be a part of The Smile Chronicles? Print your own  poster, take a photo with it, and send it to with your name and a description of the photo. Go ahead and get creative with your photo. Only rule? Whoever is in the photo is holding the sign and SMILING!

*Disclaimer: The Smile Chronicles is trademarked by Deidre Miller of Love, The Skinnys. It is not allowed to be duplicated or copied in any type or form by any person, group, blog, or business. Legal action will be taken.*